Mtn tough 45-70 vs ng60


Aug 19, 2019
Trying to get into the rhythm of working out without weights. I like to run and I like to lift heavy. Not having the gym has sucked, I am terrible at planning out bodyweight or pack weight stuff. I've been doing what mtn tough vids are on youtube, and think I might buy one simply because I hate programming bodyweight work or pack work. I want to hit a routine where I can wake up at 5am and slug out my workout instead of trying to figure out what bodyweight stuff I want to do lol.

All that said, ng60 is appealing as that tough as a goat workout kicks my butt. Only thing I've read or heard about it is marketing though. 45-70 sounds good but dont know what it's like on a weekly basis with cardio and strength. Plus I just have my pack I've seen some of it require small weights or such (which I can have with small sandbags I guess). Just looking for a high level difference in the intensity or difficulty and effectiveness. I do kind of hate slogging out 300 pushups versus doing heavy lifts but not a choice really now. Plus a part of me thinks if I hate it maybe I should do it till I dont lol.
I did 45-70 last year and it kicked my ass. But, I was able to hunt very hard and felt like a million bucks. I’m very impressed with that program. It tells you exactly what to do everyday, so it should check that box for you. You need a pull-up bar, something to step up on, some sandbags, and some light weights for shoulder work. There are three different intensity levels; I would rate the lowest as very intense, but that’s subjective. It’s a good mix of cardio and strength. I can’t recommend it highly enough, and if the gyms are open, I’ll probably try some of their other programs after this year. You don’t really lift heavy, however, and it sounds like that’s something you’re looking for.
You could load your pack with whatever, but you’ll want a way to weigh it. (The sandbags make this easy.) You need a pull-up bar everyday; going off memory, a box and lighter weights on a lot of the days. I just used sledgehammers for the shoulder work and a cooler for step ups.