My daughter's attempt for her first buck

Hunt started with the alarm going off even though I didn't need it. It was like I was a kid again and couldn't sleep. We got in to position at first light and started glassing. After seeing some does and a smaller buck at about 100 yards I was beginning to wonder if the buck I have been watching would show himself.

A doe appeared at the ridge line across the canyon. 500 yards away. I fixed my razor binos on her and after a few minutes saw a buck not too far behind. I broke out my razor spotter and soon realized it was the buck I have been watching. He was in a spot where getting closer was too risky. Patiently we watched the buck for about 30 minutes. He worked his way close to a creek bed and I knew we could try a stalk. A few zig zags through oaks and madrones and we found ourselves within 200 yards of the buck. Being my daughter's current shooting capabilities I knew we weren't quite close enough. We slowly closed in another 50 yards.

As we sat down now 150 yards and she was turning off the safety the broadside buck turned directly away from us. My heart sank. We watched waiting for him to turn broadside for what seemed to be minutes. She sqeezed the trigger and the rest was history. Buck ran 30 yards a died. Happy dad today!
Dad , I bet your heart was about to burst ! That is so cool that you got to guide your baby girl to her first buck. Kids and non parents could never understand how great it is to watch your kids succeed.
It does not get any better than that. Congrats to you both! Now get that beast to the Taxidermist. That is possibly a once in a life time buck. Blacktails of that size don't come easy. I have been hunting them since I was twelve and in a few days I'll be 38. Good Job!
that looks exactly like a buck i was after this year, i got some trail cam pics i could send to your phone if you are interested, he was on the A&B zones border and crossed day to day