Mystery Ranch Metcalf as a carry on?


May 3, 2020
Just picked up a Metcalf. Haven't packed any real weight but walked around the house and stairs with ~20lbs and it felt great.

But has anyone ever used it as a carry on? You always see dudes with gigantic backpacking packs walking around the airport so I figure it SHOULD be okay right?
It might depend on the airline, but I fly Alaska airlines and my next trip home I am planning on bringing my pintler carry-on.
I have a sawtooth 35 which is a bit smaller I think. I have packed it to the gills and carried it on Southwest multiple times. I do take the waist belt halfway apart and run it around the back of the pack, keeps the bulk down. I haven't had any issues and have never been asked to gate check it either. But I also don't go advertising it the gate agents, just walk on like it's a regular bag and put it in the overhead bin. Have even done it with my treking poles strapped on the side. I do check them now though after TSA have me a hard time. They didn't like the carbide tips.

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Don’t know but I picked up a mule to run with my frame and I think it would make a pretty good carry on pack.
No problem with it as carry on, just tighten it all down so it fits in over head bins
It depends on the airline and what kind of mood the flight attendants are in. If it’s a really full flight they might make you check it in the jetway before boarding. So make sure you pack it like they are gonna throw it in the belly of the plane. Secure all the straps and tag ends, buckle all the buckles and don’t pack anything you wouldn’t pack in your normal luggage.
Ive used my Pintler with full frame as a carry on several times with no issues. And when doing so, it's generally filled with shooting bags, optics and has a tripod strapped to the side of it, so not exactly compressed down either.

The only time I was ever nervous was on a southwest flight where I was toward the end of the last boarding group on a full flight and they came out to tell everyone that remaining overhead space was limited. It still fit, no issues.
I use my pintler as a carry on but any bigger would be pushing it if a gate attendant actually wanted to measure it.
The frame itself is more than 22" tall, which exceeds the FAA limits, but as others have said people seem to do it all the time. I wouldn't even try it on those smaller Embraers but I'd give her a go on a 737.
Ya to that point about the sizing of it, my pack was for sure larger than the little box they tell you you have to fit a carry on in... so technically not in "compliance", but every time I've done it, no one checked and there was plenty of room to fit it.. no one seemed to mind. Its pretty common practice to do this when traveling to rifle matches, so I have personally done this, and witnessed friends doing this enough times to feel pretty confident that it won't be a problem.
After reading the responses, my next flight will include my carry on metcalf. Strap it on and go. Much better than anything else in my mind.