Not Happy With This Decision By the Gov.

It’s been discussed on here already. Couple of bullet points:

-there is some management hunting taking place already in the park, so claiming a man anti hunting conspiracy on behalf of the NPS doesn’t hold much water. Though, if you want to go that route, FB hunting groups are on fire.

-the terrain. Have you been in the Tetons? Not on a hike but in goat country. It’s largely 5th class. Few hunters would be capable of getting to these goats. If you think you could make the cover of the next KUIU magazine, have experience with alpine climbing, then This is your hunt.

-ID tried to use hunters to exterminate a herd of goats and the hunters failed.

-how long would it take hunters to eradicate this herd? Years? Perhaps once the decision was made, they just wanted to get it done. If you issued 100 goat tags to 100 hunters and the success rate were 20%..... do the math. Best case scenario, 8 years from now, a handful of breeding of goats would still be eluding hunters and the few guys who are successful would most Milkey be one and done. Hunters aren’t very good at eradication. Few hunters are cut out for goat hunting and even fewer are cut out for hunting goats in this particular terrain.

Why would they not let hunters take these goats out?

Doubtful could access areas goats hand out by hiking. Especially in winter. Big steep country. No issues with it
These things never leave everyone happy. I can see it from both perspectives for different reasons. Have heard of unsatisfactory results from hunters who can’t get the job done and wildlife shooters who wounded an animal that later killed someone.
sat Some point using choppers to cull animals means a lot of things failed. But mostly it’s a failure of imagination and will.

and the whole “it’s bad optics” if hunters do this mission is BS it’s bad optics when helicopters buzz around a national park with doors pulled off murdering magnificently beautiful animals.

Fvck me running can you imagine the billionaires filing lawsuits if they started gunning 180” full curl rams. The hypocrisy is on full display.
That is some nasty country up there

That’s a weak excuse to not allow hunting

It’s mellower then quite a few Tahr hunting spots in New Zealand been to.

rocked up to a good mob of them middle of may with a baby on my back. Would have been no problem to cull them all with 3-4 guys that could shoot.
Yea they would be falling all over their check books if these were bighorns.... They would have new membership designation at the wild sheep foundation, "The litigation society members" and would be raffling off a hunt to the benefactors.
Easy... rappel from the summit and shoot while coming down. Attach dead animal to rope and continue rappel.
My question is how are we deciding that a naturally expanding goat herd is less important than a naturally struggling sheep herd?

I get it the sheep need help but I've read articles refering to the goats as "invasive species" in this area?

Is there 0 evidence ever of their living in these areas?

Sounds like it's happening regardless though. I see it as the state saving face with hunters by expressing their desire to let them try. I would say I would have supported issuing 200 tags to people for a 9 day season and then bringing in the choppers. At least you save face with everyone
Wyoming issued tags on the border of the Park this year and killed what they could.

The culling is happening in Grand Teton National Park.
Funny I didn't see all you hunting/mountaineers/sharpshooters out here exercising your right to cull the herd this fall when they gave out expanded tag numbers... Had 2 guys kill sheep that they couldn't access and my buddies repelled down to retrieve for them (wilderness bordering GTNP). This was in fairly mellow terrain, but the guys from Southern WY had no clue what they were doing. By the time that happened there was nothing to recover. If you don't have legit climbing skills and gear your dreaming if you think you can successfully hop around the Tetons shooting goats.

They are trying to save the "native" Big Horn herd from diseases spread by the "non-native" Goats. That is all, not everything is a conspiracy against hunters. Yes I put non-native and native in quotes because whose to say there weren't goats in the Tetons at some point.
I watched a few videos of alpine climbing in that area and it is not terrain for many people to do with hunting gear and getting meat out.
Where's the proof the goats are "diseased"?

No proof, just that goats "typically" carry certain diseases that could spread to the endangered Big Horn herds and wipe them out. I have no dog in this fight, just wanted to give some context for the Rambos and conspiracy theorists on here since this is happening where I live and I have actual experience with situation.