Pack on or off to shoot


Jun 17, 2019
West Falls, NY
I am new to elk hunting and out west hunting. I went last year to NM with a guide and kept my day pack on for the shot, I missed underneath but I had trained and shoot a lot with the pack on.

What do you guys do? Leave it on or take it off if you can for final shot.
I always take mine off if the situation gives me the chance. Although I've had to shoot with it on many times and been fine.
Practice both ways.
With rifle, off if you have time. But obviously if you are walking and he busts cover you take what you got. I used to use a bipod, but now just shoot over the top of my ruck like a sandbag.

I have only shot 6 elk. 5 bulls & 1 cow. Two were running so I had ruck on.
1. First was seated Indian style after sprinting 100 yards to cut him off (pack was on). 125 yard shot at a full running elk.
2. Prone off bipod. 425 yards.
3. Standing after she busted cover at 15 yards (pack was on). Dropped her at full run.
4. Leaning against a tree for a rest (ruck off). 75 yards.
5. Prone over ruck. 605 yards.
6. Prone over ruck. 275 yards.
Shoot according to what the situation affords. This isn't exclusive to elk but most all hunting. Most people go to the range and shoot from the bench until their rifle is sighted then call it good. Practice in every position imaginable. Standing with pack on or off, prone unsupported, prone supported (on a pack, rock or something else), single kneeling, double kneeling, seated using knee for support (no bone on bone contact), using a tree to brace, all the position above but at steep angles, contorting your body into very uncomfortable positions, etc. I haven't shot from a bench in a long time and I shoot often. Also make sure your pack weight is mostly on your hip belt on the iliac crest so your arm and shoulder movement isn't as restricted. For bow hunting it's easy enough to shoot with a pack on if your pack is worn correctly and you practice. I will always prefer removing my pack if I can, but if not I'm still comfortable with taking a shot.
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I always carry trigger sticks but if I have time, I’ll find a rock and lay my pack down and use it as a rest. If I need more height and standing is the only way to have a clean shot, I use the primos trigger sticks. Only at running shots at very close range am I shooting off hand and the pack is on.

For me, I’m just as accurate with it on as with it off. I would say 75% of my shots are with a pack on.

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I am new to elk hunting and out west hunting. I went last year to NM with a guide and kept my day pack on for the shot, I missed underneath but I had trained and shoot a lot with the pack on.

What do you guys do? Leave it on or take it off if you can for final shot.

My very first elk hunt in 2008, I took my pack off thinking the elk would come in on a rope. I ended up moving in and blowing the opportunity. Then I spent an hour searching for my pack while the elk was getting further away. ;)
Like everything else, it depends. I always take my pack off, once I get to my area to glass and set up. If I had to make a shot on a moving elk, while going in or coming out, I would shoot with my pack on. If I saw elk at a distance and had time to take my pack off and get set up for the shot, that would be my preferred scenerio. I would rather shoot with it off than with it on, especially if I am shooting at a distance.
Based on the amount of movement I do while in the woods, it's always on. I was able to drop it once while rifle hunting, but have yet to get that chance with the bow.
I practice with pack on at home shooting (archery) in basement. Outdoor practice usually off. All but three elk/deer encounters have been with pack on. I also practice with quiver on and loaded with extra arrows I typically carry for hunting. I’ve never shot my bow with quiver off.
I think the obvious answer is to shoot with it off. You'll always be more comfortable. That being said, you won't always have the option depending on the situation. Who would have time to take it off and decide, "Nah, I think I'll try to shoot with it on". I imagine very few if any people would say they are a better shot with it on.
I imagine very few if any people would say they are a better shot with it on.

I think it depends on whether one is talking about rifles or archery. I could see rifle shooting being worse with a shoulder strap behind the butt, but for archery not much changes for those shots. So maybe not better, but no worse either as far as archery goes.

But on the other hand, every big game animal I've ever shot with a rifle (quite a few) was while wearing a pack......and free hand. Never missed one. But I've never shot one with a rifle without a pack on to see the difference.
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a bit of an understatement! hoping for my first one this october!

Well I’m trying to keep it real. There are guys in this forum who have literally shot 50+. I do okay for a flat lander. I rely more on my shooting skills than most I suspect. I prefer to overwatch and shoot prone at moderate but not obscene distance. Although I’m certainly not turning down an elk while moving and have shot boatloads of deer up close with snap shots.
Pack on always, only exception being if I’m sitting on a waterhole or tree stand. I’m always chasing bulls, to many times I took my pack off thinking I was gonna get a shot only to find myself chasing bugles 3 ridges over with my pack in the original spot. Sucks ass trying to back track to find your pack in the dark.