Photography- one photo a day

I thought that, but it seems to be a large 'deletion' for such.

Just use your imagination for what was there.

I don’t find it any more distracting than other overly edited photos that some post here.

You can see the thin shadow on the ground. It’s probably someone’s kid or girlfriend. When you edit these on a smartphone, it just makes a blob. I still enjoyed seeing the place and now I’d like to visit.

Because, picture thread:

Good morning. New here to the forum, but lurked around forever. I love the picture idea. Here's my daily contribution. Ohio Public Land hunt on October 30th with my friends. It was a great hunt and I am thankful for photos and memories we have from that trip. Love all the pictures.


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These images were taken on one of the earlier 'state of the art' digital cams -- a Sony Mavica, circa late 1990s. It cost about $600 & recorded the pix on a 3.5" floppy disk. Each disk held between 15 and 40 low-res VGA-size pictures. As you can see, the quality left a bit to be desired. I have similar pix on unscanned 35MM Kodachome slides, tho.

Mount Rainier


Gibbon Falls, YNP

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