Rokslide and Kuiu

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The last thing kuiu wanted or needed was a video of someone breaking their new ultra frame or exposing the lack of durability that may be present in the new bags. they obviously were afraid of this happening which speaks volumes to me about the reservations kuiu has about the limitations of their pack. to me this shouts "we have something to hide".
Pretty sad that they don't have the confidence in their products that they could stand with the best. I guess that when you do your homework when designing and testing like Kifaru or Stone Glacier do you know what you have and can let it compete with confidence.
I put a lot of stock in what I learn on Rokslide. I try to make wise purchases and get the most for my money for what I intend to do with it. It's transparency that makes loyal, trusting customers. Apple's to Apple's comparisons are the only way to gauge performance, in my opinion. Kuiu's lack of this transparency will only hurt them. Good for Rokslide for not catering to Kuiu's requests to only tell the good. I can only assume the details they did not want shared were shortcomings in performance, reliability, durability, etc. Thank you Rokslide for insisting on exposing the truths.
Unfortunate, but obviously Kuiu has something to hide. I really like all the Kuiu gear I own but, I don't think I can give them any more of my money.
Unfortunate, but obviously Kuiu has something to hide. I really like all the Kuiu gear I own but, I don't think I can give them any more of my money.

Kuiu Attach pants are still my favorite hunting pants.
Sounds to me like like no one wins but Kuiu certainly loses. To bad too I would like to see what happened when someone tosses the new pack over a cliff.
I liked their clothing a lot. I switched a while back for other reasons and even considered getting some of their clothing in solid colors but after hearing this that interest is gone.
Top marks for integrity boys, seriously.

I havn't been on RS much of late, I think I will need to become a regular again, your 'customer service' is first class.
I think Rokslide took the proper stance. However I also think there are two sides to every story and there was probably a little more going on the the background leading up to this parting of ways. Am I going to buy the new Ultra pack, no. But this really doesn't scare me away from continuing to buy Kuiu's clothing.
I appreciate the transparency of rokslide and being a member here. I own lots of kuiu gear but none of their new big 3.. I truly look forward to reading real world reviews of the ultra, super down sleeping bag, and tent this year.
Truth beats hype every time and kuiu has some big shoes to fill.
I can think of many other companies more deserving of my business.

theres a reason i dont and will never own a piece of there gear. im not a Guinea pig im a paying customer, and i want to buy finished and fully tested products. good for you for severing the ties and maintaining rokslides integrity

Having been a treestand, day and float trip hunter my whole life, I'm getting into full-bore backcountry, on-foot, multi-day hunting now. I've dropped a few thousand dollars getting myself up to speed in the past few months. I considered their tent, but the lack of released info or reviews from anyone that had actually seen one pitched outdoors scared me away with the guinea pig thing. I went a different route.

I considered their clothing, but they were out of stock and not sure when they'd have more in so I went a different route.

I considered their packs, but hearing of past problems and the guinea pig thing, I went a couple different routes; a Barney's for one. Then the fact that Aron posts a few times a day, "call me" and leaves his number tells me he wants my business and isn't afraid to talk to regular guys, and my EMRII is on order...

I'm not bashing Kuiu. I'm sure their gear is fine; there's too many guys that use it religiously. But seeing this, I'm just glad I went different routes and I'm just echoing the quotes above. Thanks RS and Ryan for being honest and open about all of this.
I can understand a company not wanting one of its packs thrown off a Cliff! lol.

While it was an interesting part of the test of the last two packs and showed that they were virtually bomb proof it would not nessasarily be a required criteria in buying a pack, 'for me'. In the extreme it would be good to know that if you got cliffed out and had to dump your pack it would still function, or if you were unfortunate enough to have 'dropped off the cliff'' you could leave it in a will.

Shame as I value Rokslide and Kuiu.
Never been more proud to be a have the balls to stand up to these companies. Keep it up lots will have your backside
Kuiu seems to design and import some very nice clothes but they have had supply chain problems from the start that they have never figured out but keep introducing backpacks that haven't been all that good and now sleeping bags and tents. If they would stop trying to do everything and put that time and money into inventory and keeping their delivery promises they would have a little respect from me. Instead they over hype and over promise and under deliver. I'm betting the tents and sleeping bags will be fine as they seem to just be riffs of tried and true designs and just as expensive or more without the middleman. There is another rubb , promising a better deal without the middleman. It seems the value of no middleman was mostly to Kuiu and not the hyped value to the customer.
Kuiu seems to design and import some very nice clothes but they have had supply chain problems from the start that they have never figured out but keep introducing backpacks that haven't been all that good and now sleeping bags and tents. If they would stop trying to do everything and put that time and money into inventory and keeping their delivery promises they would have a little respect from me. Instead they over hype and over promise and under deliver. I'm betting the tents and sleeping bags will be fine as they seem to just be riffs of tried and true designs and just as expensive or more without the middleman. There is another rubb , promising a better deal without the middleman. It seems the value of no middleman was mostly to Kuiu and not the hyped value to the customer.

My thoughts exactly.... give up on the packs, cut your losses, and concentrate on what you do well. Tell the truth and practice what you preach, rather than creating hype, under delivering, and making excuses.

My thanks go out to rokslide and all of you posting members who are willing to take the time to share your experience on hunting, gear, and all else. I have only been backcountry hunting a couple years and have limited experience in my times out and no success with the bow yet in the backcountry. I heard about rokslide after the last season and am checking in regularly for tips and information that would otherwise take me years to learn and likely many dollars lost on buying gear that may not be exactly what I was looking for.

The value of this site is that folks have an easy to use forum for sharing experience and information that will make for more positive, safer, and likely more successful future hunts and backcountry experience for all members. Being able to check in on this site a couple times daily to read posts from like minded folks has only served to increase my interest and passion for getting into the woods and out on the range. Thanks to all of you and the hard work by rokslide administration for facilitating this for all.

The value would be greatly diminished if gear reviews had to be approved by a company prior to being posted. Frankly if I heard this was happening I would be less likely to put faith in future reviews, use the site, or buy the product. Thanks for making the announcement and keeping reviews on an equal standard.

As for a conflict if interest by Aron working for kifaru and kryptek, I haven't perceived any direct bias. I've read several posts where he supports other durable and quality products with unbiased and fair information. If the alternative was that rokslide wasn't created because he or others work for gear companies then I'm glad he kept his day job and went out on a limb to start up rokslide at the same time. Thanks to all.
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