Scent control

I use Scent Lok and it works pretty well, meaning that if you do it right they will either get a very faint smell that doesn't totally blow them out or they don't smell you. But you have to do it right, meaning I wear several layers of Scent Lok, reactivate after every hunt, store them in big ziplocs and then in big contractor bags, never leave them out, spray down with scent killer on muck boots (that stay outside all the time), outer layer of Scent Lok, and bino harness. And the only other thing I bring is my pack, everything else goes in a pocket.

Even with that, I absolutely play the wind without exception because it is the only certain way to remain undetected. The Scent Lok simply saves you from an errant breeze or a deer that isn't where it is supposed to be. And cover scents are a waste of money...even diesel fuel.
In my area not one avid hunter that consistently fills tags with mature animals uses any of the scent gimmicks any more. The only ones using that crap are either paid to market the stuff or a greenhorn who just doesn't know any better. Play the wind and be proficient with your weapon.
I use Scent Lok and it works pretty well, meaning that if you do it right they will either get a very faint smell that doesn't totally blow them out or they don't smell you. But you have to do it right, meaning I wear several layers of Scent Lok, reactivate after every hunt, store them in big ziplocs and then in big contractor bags, never leave them out, spray down with scent killer on muck boots (that stay outside all the time), outer layer of Scent Lok, and bino harness. And the only other thing I bring is my pack, everything else goes in a pocket.

Even with that, I absolutely play the wind without exception because it is the only certain way to remain undetected. The Scent Lok simply saves you from an errant breeze or a deer that isn't where it is supposed to be. And cover scents are a waste of money...even diesel fuel.

I used to do all of that, decided it wasn't worth it. I haven't noticed any difference since stopping, other than that I hunt more now because it isn't such an operation to go hunt.
I only use scent control measures when bowhunting. Keeping the wind in your face is the most important thing though. I just use unscented soaps for my clothes, body, and deodorant. Another thing I do only during the season, I’ll pick and gather plants (shrubs/bushes) that are fragrant and store my clothes in a plastic bag with them.
I tried everything when I was younger, scentlok, soaps, sprays. I found sometimes I got busted and sometimes I didn't, just depends on if they get into your scent stream.
Now I know it's all about the wind and not leaving ground scent in the wrong areas.
I don't miss standing outside in my underwear freezing while putting on "scent free" clothes.
Plus, my success has improved as I'm now hyper focused on the wind and approaching my stand without spooking deer.
Play the wind. Play the wind. Play the wind. However I have experienced a noticeable difference while using ozoned clothes. It’s not full proof but I 100% believe it helps to a certain extent. I ozone my clothing whenever I get the time to, wether it be every hunt or every couple of days. I don’t use any other scent cover up spray or shampoo because I personally think it is bogus. Lotta people swear by it though. Lots of gimmicks in the whitetail industry! I don’t believe ozone machines are one of them however.

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Agree with playing the wind, also remember that the wind direction you get from the weather app isn't always accurate in the woods. You have to account for thermals as well as the effects different terrain has on wind direction.
As mentioned above, wind above all else. Scent control gimmicks are almost worthless, but won’t go all the way to say they are worthless, but they will not let you sit in a bad wind if the deer don’t want you to.
That brings me to the next point, hunting pressure is huge. If deer are comfortable and not pressured, they will come in down wind and not be too bothered. Have seen it multiple times and experienced it many. In a heavily pressured area, one slight stink could ruin your hunt. A lot depends on pressure.
One final thought, watching thermals goes along with playing the wind. What works in the Am might not work in the pm with the Same wind.
I read once where wind over 5mph is required to move your scent, and anything less than 5mph will essentially allow you to create a scent pocket that is subject to thermal current more than wind current. YMMV
I simply wash clothing and myself with unscented soaps from august thru december. Hang clothes in a outdoor gazebo or keep in a storage tote with some pine branches. Im not convinced scent killer spray does jack shit but i use it. IMO your breath will give you away before your clothes if you follow those steps. Also not many deer bust me unless they directly hit my wind or come in alert to artificial calls, scents first. This is why ive all but given up on anything except location, location location.. sit still, quiet and as much as possible. Forget all the other tricks
The whole scent control argument is a spectrum- basically, how strong your scent is influences how far away you'll spook a deer. Nobody is suggesting that you'll ever be able to decon yourself well enough to fool a 6.5 year old alpha buck thirty yards straight downwind of you in late December, but if you do what you can, you might not spook an animal out that catches the edge of your scent while seeking does a few hundred yards away in the pre-rut.

I pine my clothes- that is, wash with hot water (to remove the oils transferred to them by contact with human skin), air dry them, then close them in an airtight, unscented bag with pine, or cedar boughs. This coniferous scent overpowers some olfactory "slip ups."

Also, it's been touched on a few times, but your body emits scents that a deer recognize. Like above, however, it can be partially controlled. Don't smoke, obviously. Spitting creates a ton of artificial scent as well. A lot of people will think this is out there, but I generally go vegan during the best part of the year. Your body's scent profile is a lot different when you do.
The wind is the only thing that matters. The rest is snake oil and a waste of money.
This season is my 40th season of hunting whitetails. It took me about 30 to figure this out. LOL

Now, having said that, I still take simple steps to reduce the amount of odor I generate. Nothing too extravagant, but if a deer does smell me, I want them to think I'm further than I am, and maybe I'll just get that extra few seconds I need. That's about it. I don't go through great pains anymore to do "total" scent control. I am much more aware of the wind than I once was, and choose stand locations and my approaches to those stands, more carefully these days.
Play the wind and go out of your way to take the right access to your destination. Also merino wool baselayers are antimicrobial so that always helps for those occasions where showers are out of the question. In most scenarios, I'm sweating by the time I make it to my desired tree so I really do not do much outside of those methods. I have however filled my boots with swamp water on numerous occasions so I have had to use baking soda to remove the awful smell. That was probably more for me rather than the deer though because swamp-soaked boots annihilate any area they inhabit.
Your breathe will give you away and that’s a tough thing to try to hide. I’ve started taking an apple along with me to eat a piece or bite every so often as they are a natural deodorizer.
One thing I did this year was bought a portable ozone generator and through in a tote where I keep my clothes. It did seem help and was about $30, rechargeable.
I know this can be complicated. What are some tricks hunters are using for scent control. I like experimenting and trying different ideas.

Man you could bash your head over and over about scent control!!!! I will be honest with you I did a test in my tree stand years ago with some does with chew spit and pee..... NOW don't take this as, well shit he did it so it should work lol no just giving you what I found helps and yes I have been busted but very, very few times. I hunt whitetails in Kansas, Nebraska, Texas and Wisconsin in buffalo county. I am a scent freak so its a little hard to read things that people post but I truly feel every bit that you can do to help with your human order helps. I start washing my body 3 months before I start hunting so my skin can adapt to the soap and dryness.. dead down wind lotion helps!! All my clothes I wash 2 weeks before I head out and I put everything in a tote with backing soda now it does get a little bit of a white film on your gear but just shack it off and your good to go. The no scent sprays there is 10 billion different ones to pick I have used dead down wind for years I spray a little going into the stand on my gear that's it other wise like most said WIND, WIND, WIND play the wind if its even a little off don't go you will blow that stand! The scents and piss and crap you drag or hang forget it its a waist of money. Last If I can get 25 to 30 feet up I will hands down! The higher you get up helps with pushing your scent further up plus if the wind changes at any given time and that deer is coming in range its going to take a lot longer for your scent to travel to him. So I hope some of this info helps like I said its worked for me and my brother for years so if something works keep doing till it doesn't then change.
Doesn't matter what I do if the deer get downwind of me. Hunt the wind as best you can. Using a cover scent can buy a little time, sometimes...
I used to do all of that, decided it wasn't worth it. I haven't noticed any difference since stopping, other than that I hunt more now because it isn't such an operation to go hunt.

To each their own. It really doesn't take much time or effort and can salvage an otherwise doomed bowhunt. And if you haven't noticed a difference you were doing things differently than I do, I definitely notice a dramatic difference. And I agree, I really only do this bowhunting, I typically hunt differently with a rifle.