Sealing burger bags?


Nov 19, 2016
How is everyone sealing their burger bags? I have tried the tape machine and hog rings with limited success. I usually end up twisting and tying them off like a balloon.

any other options out there?
Looking forward to seeing responses to this. I use hog rings currently and am not completely efficient with them. I honestly was debating buying one of the tape machines.
What has worked ok for me with hog rings is to twist the bag then fold the top back over so the ring has enough material to cinch down on. Works most of the time.
Tape machine for my house. It will frustrate a guy every now and then. Make sure the bags are dry and you move through the unit straight down. Any left or right movement and it will not work well. I ran out of tape one year and used zip ties and electrical tape to finish bagging approx 100 pounds.
Last time I just twist & fold down and freeze. I've noticed no difference The meat's not freezing burnt and these are over a year old.
Get smaller hog rings. Never had a problem using them. Look for the ones specially made for pigs not larger hogs.
I do none of the above. I stuff the bags full just enough to stuff the end of the bag down into itself. Seals up fine and I have noticed zero difference, usually our burger only lasts 6 months or less. I'm feeding 5 people so the 1lb 12oz of burger only makes an extra two days of leftovers.
Tape machine here also, keep the bag as dry as possible. Twist up tight and tape as close to the meat as possible. Stays good well over a year.
We used hog rings before going to tape. Either works fine, tape is much faster.
Make sure your tape stays at room temp or above. The colder the tape gets…the more you’ll be cussing 😎
I have a Cabelas vacuum sealer that would likely work. I use mine for steaks, jerky, etc. I'm sure you would get a good seal on burger. Just takes a little time to seal each packet.
I have bags and tape machine that I never use because I don’t pregrind meat. I just freezer the trim and grind it when I want it.
A friend of mine shot two deer this year, her first ever and was in over her head. I swung by and grabbed them and brought them by me because I am always all set up to cut meat. Long story short I ground a bunch for her and used the meat tubes bags and tape. Worked great. No issues. I would say hog rings work better however someone might forget to cut them off if you stick the tube in the microwave to defrost it quick….
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Tape machine here. We got a new one from LEM and it is way better then our old one. Like others have said, twist and zip through

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I’ve been using the LEM tape machine for my burger. Seems to be the easiest and fastest as you can grind right into the bags, twist, and tape. You can also get pretty good by eye on how much to fill to get to a desired/consistent weight. It seems like 1.5# to 1.75# per bag works well. At 2# there is not much bag left to twist and tape. The only issue I am trying to solve is how to keep the interior of the bags beyond the tape seal clean after the burger passes through without having to go back and individually wipe the insides of them out after taping…
