Slap Tear and Rotator Cuff Repair

Ridge Runner

Dec 23, 2012
Boise, ID
Going in for surgery on Wednesday to get my shoulder repaired. Will have Bicep Tendenosis (reposition of bicep tendon) and possibly a rotator cuff repair (it's torn but will only repair if over 50% torn). They are also going clean up my cartilage and shave down my ball joint of my shoulder. Pretty much the full meal deal.

Any incite into recovery and rehab would be appreciated.
My dad had his shoulder done. And I have had a few surgery recoveries of my own, would just get a good PT and do exactly what they tell you, especially your home exercises with the therabands and such. Stay ahead of your pain and be realistic. Just my 2 cents
The success of the procedure will pretty much be dependent on you following through with PT. As rock said, do what they tell you and don't skip. It is going to hurt, do it anyway.
Sorry to hear about it. Recovery will suck, especially the first week. Expect 4-6 months before being "fully" released. My advice is not to rush ANYTHING. Take it with a grain of salt, and take the time to get it right this time so hopefully you won't have to do it again.

Good luck, I'll keep you and the doc in my prayers.
Pretty much same thing 2 yrs ago. Expect 6 months of downtime take it easy once you get going on the pt. It's easy to overdo it & will drive you nuts cause you feel good. Good luck. At least you got all winter to recoup
Had my left rotator cuff repaired Oct. 14th. My tear was bad enough they had to use a patch. My Orthodo doc is conservative. I was 1 month in a sling. Have just started PT. he says I will have full range of motion back in 3 months post surgery. If they offer you a nerve block pre surgery take it. Your arm will be numb but you will fell no pain for a couple days.
Good luck!
Best advice I can give is to take your time with recovery and don't rush it. I tore my rotator cuff back in highschool and rushed it to get back to playing football. I am still dealing with shoulder problems because it didn't repair properly. Follow the advice of your PT and do the workouts they give you.
Thanks for the advice everyone. Definitely sounds like the pt is the key. I'll let you all know how it goes. This past year has been my best ever fitness wise and don't want to go backwards. For those who had the surgery how did you maintain your fitness?
How did it go Ridge Runner?

Pretty well, rotator cuff wasn't that bad. Did a bicep tendenosis spp? And cleaned up the cartilage. Pain has been manageable but sleeping in the sling sucks! Started therapy today and pt was happy with progress. If things keep going this well going to wish I had it done months ago. Already back on the exercise bike trying to maintain fitness.

Thanks for asking!