Some numbers on Corona Virus

Apr 22, 2012
Chugiak, Alaska
That's not a statistic.

If a person questioning the seriousness of driving, was all of a sudden dropped into the middle of a serious car crash, anywhere, they would have a much clearer picture/understanding of the dangers involved in driving. Bill
So let’s see, you pulled a few words out of my sentence and then basically stated that it was irrelevant because it was not a “statistic”. The rest of that sentence stated that, just yesterday alone over 700 people died of C19 in the state of New York. That is a STAT.

I absolutely agree with the second part of your comment regarding driving and being dropped into the middle of a car accident, although I really don’t understand how that is relevant to this thread.

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Apr 22, 2012
Chugiak, Alaska
US drug overdose deaths rose to record 72,000 last year, data reveals. Drug overdoses killed more than 72,000 people in the United States last year – a new record driven by the deadly opioid epidemic, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control. The CDC estimates that 72,287 people died from overdoses in 2017,...

Nothing closed down for those 70,000+ deaths.....and all the related carnage. Hell, the government gives away free needles so people can shoot up...... :love:

Gyms are closed but pot stores are government order.
Okay, but there’s one big difference, if you don’t do drugs, it’s guaranteed you won’t die of a drug OD.

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Dec 20, 2018
N/E Kansas
You can still be adversely effected by drug addiction.....killed, maimed, robbed, beaten...whatever. Keep me safe...... :love:


Aug 25, 2015
So let’s see, you pulled a few words out of my sentence and then basically stated that it was irrelevant because it was not a “statistic”
Not exactly. I quoted what you said was a statistic, which wasn't. It probably seemed like I implied that made it irrelevant. I didn't mean to. Words are important, especially how they are used and grammar too. I meant to say when you called something a statistic that clearly was not it weakens, but does not invalidate what you were trying to say.
I absolutely agree with the second part of your comment regarding driving and being dropped into the middle of a car accident, although I really don’t understand how that is relevant to this thread.
It wasn't specifically relevant to the thread, it was relevant to your post. You said, and I'll paraphrase, if a person was dropped in an ICU in New York City they'd realize how bad the China Virus is. My example of the car was meant to illustrate that if a person is thrown into a horrific situation their emotions will take over and logic will get thrown out the window, pun intended.
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Oct 7, 2013
Salt Lake City, Utah
Some people understand that kung flu is serious yet are very worried that the preventative measures are worse than kung flu.
Lots of fear being instilled into people minds. Lots of economic problems ahead.

So far less than 15,000 deaths from kung flu in the USA and :

US drug overdose deaths rose to record 72,000 last year, data reveals. Drug overdoses killed more than 72,000 people in the United States last year – a new record driven by the deadly opioid epidemic, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control. The CDC estimates that 72,287 people died from overdoses in 2017,...

Nothing closed down for those 70,000+ deaths.....and all the related carnage. Hell, the government gives away free needles so people can shoot up...... :love:

Gyms are closed but pot stores are government order.

Why would we have a nationwide shutdown for an opioid epidemic when a nationwide shutdown would not improve the number of deaths? That wouldn't make sense at all.
Apr 22, 2012
Chugiak, Alaska
Oh, no doubt, and the issue that we have with substance abuse in this country is very real and adversely affects many lives around it, but the opioid crisis can in no way be compared to this current pandemic. They are two completely different things. Case in point, if I look at my own family, I would say that the chances of my parents, my wife, or myself dying of an overdose is 0%, and I would be willing to bet my life on that, but I can’t say the same regarding the chances of any one of us dying from C19.

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Dec 20, 2017
Western Pennsylvania
Numbers can be interpolated many ways. History can add perspective. The Spanish Flu is history and so is SARS and MERS. You can not draw an exact comparison between the Influenza and the Corona Virus as it is somewhat apples to oranges. But you can see some similarities that can give some insights. We can build on what we have learned from all of those cases.

The height of the Spanish Flu was just as scary and deadly as the Corona virus is now. They buried people in mass graves it was so bad. Look it up, it was and still is bad stuff. We will never know the real toll of that pandemic. Corona may turn out to be just as bad and may be with us in the future just as the Flu.

Should we be quarantined? I would say yes. But there is another question that is important too. How long can we keep going without going back to work? We just don't have enough clear data to know yet in my eyes. That is why I see total testing as the best way short of a vaccine to determine what course should be taken.

The anxiety levels are high and real as the numbers soar. Comparing different risks is just a way for me to keep things in perspective. Cope however you see fit.


Aug 25, 2015
The only number I care about is 2.

Which is the anticipated number of turkeys I will kill this spring. Not sure what the curve will look like. I'll have a graph later
There will be a spike on the curve each day you kill a Turkey. 😄


Aug 25, 2015
The height of the Spanish Flu was just as scary and deadly as the Corona virus is now. They buried people in mass graves it was so bad. Look it up, it was and still is bad stuff. We will never know the real toll of that pandemic. Corona may turn out to be just as bad and may be with us in the future just as the Flu.
The Spanish Flu, most likely originated in China, but no consensus, seems very similar to our current Chinese virus. The obvious difference is 100 years ago medicine was still in it's infancy. Some doctors actually bled patients. That and the nations in WW1 sensoring the seriousness of the virus for national security reasons made it so deadly. Spain was neutral and did not sensor their news, so the world mistakenly thought it started there and was worst there. 50 million people died. I wonder if the death toll on this virus would have been the same back then? What are the death estimates for this virus? 3 to 10% of those that get it? How many % would have to get infected for herd immunity to kick in. What was world population 100 years ago?


Mar 10, 2018
Some people understand that kung flu is serious yet are very worried that the preventative measures are worse than kung flu.
Lots of fear being instilled into people minds. Lots of economic problems ahead.

So far less than 15,000 deaths from kung flu in the USA and :

US drug overdose deaths rose to record 72,000 last year, data reveals. Drug overdoses killed more than 72,000 people in the United States last year – a new record driven by the deadly opioid epidemic, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control. The CDC estimates that 72,287 people died from overdoses in 2017,...

Nothing closed down for those 70,000+ deaths.....and all the related carnage. Hell, the government gives away free needles so people can shoot up...... :love:

Gyms are closed but pot stores are government order.
Drug overdose is not contagious. If someone overdoses right next to me it does not increase my chance. I just don't understand alot of people's takes on this. I'm in a relatively unaffected area but I don't stick my head in the sand about it.


Mayhem Contributor
Feb 10, 2019
Central Texas
Ask the hospitals who are losing millions to billions of dollars from suspending all elective surgeries and closing down floors to create extra space for the COVID19 patient influx.

So the hospitals are loosing money like the rest of us. Boo Hoo. Sucks that hospitals get govement money and therefore have to provide the service they are paid for. I can guarentee if I come down with covid they aren't going to fail to bill my insurance for the maximum they can.


Jun 12, 2012
Piedmont, SD
Drug overdose is not contagious. Collateral damage from drug overdose certainly could be.

Just because people aren't fear mongering and terrified doesn't mean they are sticking their head in the sand.

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Aug 16, 2019
No you aren't!!What kind of argument is that? 🤷‍♀️And yes I'm awake, but not woke.Why? 🦄 🤷‍♀️
and therefore what I say is true, and if you don't agree you are ignorant is what I'm hearing 😄Sounds scary. 😱 😄 I don't think anyone is saying this is the flu, it is similar in that it'ns a virus from "China" were most flu virus come from. It's much nastier and contagious than the flu.

You quoted a few lines of my post, threw some mud, but didn't really address anything.
I actually am sorry, that this has to be a fight amongst us in a time like this. There has been a lot of misinformation circulated, and it leads to people doing foolish things. "Wake up" to the consequences of those attitudes and actions.

As for my credibility, and "truth by proximity" to someone in the medical field - Yes. As a family, we do have to think about the consequences of what other people choose to do in this pandemic more so than maybe others - who feel free to criticize from their armchairs. You don't have to believe everything i say because i am married to a nurse. But maybe it could help you understand where I'm coming from.

Your post, unicorns and all, making light of what is happening, and the seriousness of it to people who have to deal with it, indicates to me that you don't take it seriously. I think that is unfortunate. It IS spooky to me and mine, I'm sorry that you can't empathize.