Stinky boot remedy

Oct 1, 2013
Northern California
Who got the best solution for preventing rotten back country feet? I wear boots every day and under normal use have no problems. However, while backpacking, hunting all day, wearing them 16 hours a day, my feet are nasty. Like hot dead carcass nasty. Yes I wear merino wool socks and others. Socks end up hard and sweat crusted the next day, so I always have to pack a new pair for each day. Anyone find a way around this?
I always just pack a small bottle of gold bond foot powder and give them a good dose before bed and sometimes a bit right before I put them on in the morning
Air your feet out throughout the day. Rotate two pairs of socks throughout the day.

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^This is about all you can do. If I make it back to the truck I have a boot dryer that I will use sometimes. It helps to pull out your insoles and lay boots sideways instead of standing up trying to get more air flow through them. I'll also put them in from of a woodstove/heater at night with insoles out. That helps quite a bit. Just be careful to not get your boots too close to the heat as it could destroy them.
Antiperspirant for your feet works for me. I use sure brand spray as well as a lot of sock testing. I work in a very hot environment so I get to figure out what works before I head to the hills. I also rotate insoles so things get more dry time. Its a constant battle because as soon as I find a great system one part gets discontinued.
I just let them stink and not worry about it… Change my socks every morning and that’s about it.
I’m just like the OP. My feet are the worst. I feel like I can’t even share a tent with anyone else b/c of it. I have no solutions. I will bring 10 pairs of socks on a 8 day trip. I pull out insoles at night. I Try to let things air out each time I take a break or glass. Nothing helps.

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About the only time I have had really bad foot odor was from insoles. I found that gel and rubber based insoles = STANK!!!
Once I find an appropriate insole, odor is greatly reduced.
Isopropyl alcohol works wonders... If you are out of a base camp, spray inside of boots and your socks every evening... A good treatment before going will make a big difference.

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Do you pack baby-wipes for your nether regions? Carry enough to do a daily foot 'wash' at the end of each day?
Pull your boots/socks mid-day during glassing sessions and hang/air dry them [or when taking lunch breaks?]?
Top off with the foot powder as suggested above?
Fresh liner socks each day under your wools; try for only two days max on the wools?
Depending on terrain and weather, look at boots with some better ventilating materials as opposed to full leather?
Spray feet with aerosol antiperspirant. Change out socks and reapply antiperspirant mid day. Remove insoles at end of day and rotate new insole every other day.
Clean your feet daily. Wash with soap or use baby wipes.
For rotten boots I use scent killer spray and let dry overnight. That stuff works miracles on stinky boots but you have to let it dry after applying.
Letting boots and insoles dry in the sun helps kill odors as well.
Smoky fire, put some pine needles over a fire and get the smoke rolling, it is a natural way to kill bacteria. I smoke my whole body on longer trips.

Tip, be careful of embers when smoking yourself!!!
Everything mentioned is spot on. One person said foot powder - that was the game changer for me. My running shoes don’t stink (even on 10+ miles in the TX summer heat), my work boots don’t stink, neither do my hunting boots. The best I’ve found is the plain old Dr Scholls.

Pair that with merino and nightly foot washing with wipes - we carry the Big Otter compressed towels and use them for everything.

I also carry a pair of sleeping-bag-only-socks (I keep them stashed in the bottom of my bag) that stay totally dry and get heavy doses of foot powder throughout the trip.

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Thanks for the suggestions. I think I’ll just try the power in the boot before the trip and see if it helps much. I even bought some fancy Kuiu backpacking, merino socks thinking they might be better. Nope they might be the nastiest ones lol
Thanks for the suggestions. I think I’ll just try the power in the boot before the trip and see if it helps much. I even bought some fancy Kuiu backpacking, merino socks thinking they might be better. Nope they might be the nastiest ones lol

Powder is the way to go, and apply it everyday at every sock change, directly onto the feet. I even put some extra into my socks each time I change them.

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Just wash them. I use unscented Arm & hammer laundry soap in a large container and submerge the boots and let them soak. Then I rinse and dry my boot dryer.