Suppressor wait times

E-filed for 2 suppressors on 4/15/22.
Received approvals on 1/6/23 and 1/10/23.
Picked them both up yesterday.
You guys with your April submissions and recent approvals don't give me much optimism for my Jun/July e-files.
I was told and take this with a bunch of grains of salt…

They’re getting through the last of the paper submissions and then all the approvers will move to the electronic applications and that should speed up the process. One person told me they were through the paper and another person said they were almost through so a lot of hearsay.

I was told expect 5-8 months from now. But this also came from 2 different dealers selling cans so of course they’re optimistic and trying to get people to buy.
I was told and take this with a bunch of grains of salt…

They’re getting through the last of the paper submissions and then all the approvers will move to the electronic applications and that should speed up the process. One person told me they were through the paper and another person said they were almost through so a lot of hearsay.
What about new paper forms submitted today? Your post makes it sound like everything has transitioned to eforms. If what you heard is true, then people who submitted paper forms last month would be getting 30-day approvals, right?
Because they think silencers are scary and whisper quiet like the movies. So they drag their feet doing the paperwork so people will be turned off by the process and not even bother. In an I want it now society a lot of guys won't fork over $1000 to have to wait 8-9 months for something.

This is true. It’s exactly how I felt. I finally purchased two in October and waiting on approval. I put this off for approximately ten years just because of the wait time.

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IMO no. Not anything we will notice. I’m guessing the good holiday sales will slow things more and we won’t be able to tell the difference.

The pistol brace item has flip flopped a good amount in last decade. I’ve never noticed a change.

Plus the folks who get paid to process form 4s aren’t changing direction because of the ruling.

If once they push a date (unless I missed that piece) a ton of folks may start rolling form 1s to SBR their guns…..but I’m guessing that won’t happen. People will likely do what they always have….wait until the gun lobby convinces the government that this is against 2A and they change it AGAIN.