Tarp size


May 31, 2016
Trying to decide if I should go with a 10x7 or 10x10 tarp for backcountry shelter and rain / glassing protection. Is the 10x10 worth the xtra weight for the size? Thanks.

Looking hard at the aqua quest guide series tarps.

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In my opinion, for most uses, the answer is "yes." The weight difference has to be minimal and it is 30 square feet more shade, rain shelter or whatever function your tarp is serving. Some pitches are easier with a square tarp too.
I just bought a Kifaru Sheep tarp for sun and rain protection for hunting and glassing. It is a 5 x10 tarp and weighs 9 ounces. I don't bivy hunt and it is for solo use, so its size and weight works for what I am using it for. I always try to keep weight to a functional minimum, mostly because I am getting older and less is more.

For glassing and rain protection I would go smaller. If you are going to be sleeping under it, I would probably go for the larger size tarp, which I think weighs around 25 ounces. The bigger tarp weighs about 5 or 6 ounces more than the 7x10 but would probably be worth it for a sleeping shelter.

As an alternative, if you need a 10x10 tarp, I would also consider spending a bit more and getting a Seek Outside DST tarp. It is a 10x10 tarp, weighs 18oz and will take up a lot less room in your pack. Extremely functional tarp.
Trying to decide if I should go with a 10x7 or 10x10 tarp for backcountry shelter and rain / glassing protection. Is the 10x10 worth the xtra weight for the size? Thanks.

Looking hard at the aqua quest guide series tarps.

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I think this may come down to a question of what you plan to utilize it for. It sounds like you are looking for something versatile for all around use. The question I would ask yourself:

In the field, would you notice the 5 oz weight difference between the two when it's on your back? For me, that would probably be a no/maybe. One thing I would certainly notice though, being in the field and wishing I had an extra 3ft of width/coverage on my shelter. For a soloist, I think 7X10 is a good all around size. However, if you side with the 10X10, this will offer you more options/ease of pitching as well. Such will be the case with a square tarp or diamond tarp like the DST mentioned above. I would seriously consider taking a look at that DST as well, it is a great combo of size, price, versatility, and durability. Plus they are based in CO. If you are mostly going to utilize it for glassing and sun shade/flash rain protection, I think the 7X10 is the move. However, if I have any plans to use it as a primary shelter, I would almost always side with the larger size as long as the weight penalty is not an issue.
I found the 8x10 to be too big for a 1 man glassing, quick shelter, pack and leg cover during a shower sized tarp. The smaller sheep tarp filled those gaps for me nicely. However, the bigger 8x10 was plenty big for two of us to set up and use for shower protection, glassing, eating a meal out of the main shelters. Sheep tarp wouldn’t cut it for that at all for our needs.

All that rambling to say it depends on your uses what size tarp will be better for you.
Not going to echo what’s already been said. Because like previously said it’s totally dependent on your preferences.

I’m my experience, mostly up high in Alaska. One occasion with two of us under the hilleberg Tarp 5 which is 10.2’x7.1’ was pretty flippin’ snug. Photo below.


I then upgraded to the hilleberg Tarp 10 which is 11.5’x9.5’ which seems like a minimal addition in size, but boy does it make a difference! I’ve used it on two different occasions. Not with another partner yet, but I’m certain there would be plenty of room. When I slept under it by myself, it was roomy enough to have all the gear I wanted spread out under there and remain well protected on all sides. I generally carry it for the purpose of either caching meat away from camp or bivying up high without the tent.




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That’s a good deal, wish I would of saw that 3 days ago

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I agree with what has been said above. The Kifaru sheep tarp is a nice tarp to have in the pack for one guy to get some protection from sun or rain. It's light and handy especially if there is timber to help pitch it with. The Seek DST is much more versatile in my opinion. I've used it more and for more different purposes. It's been a 2 man glassing shelter, sleep shelter, overhead shelter to cook under, and rain shelter to fish under in the last year. I like both but if I could only own one it would be the Seek DST.

It’s a touch heavy at 25 ounces in the bag but it is built like a tank and it was shipped to my door for just over $70. Should find lots of uses for it. Great way to get into using a tarp and made in the USA.

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This video was helpful some great tent designs. I really like the first one

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