Thunder Chicken

Cool video. How many tags can you have up there? You could have filled a freezer with multiple birds :)
Just WOW. That is a stupid amount of birds together. I think the most I've seen together while hunting is 8-10?? Are you sure your not on a turkey farm, haha?
Our archery season opens 1 week before the any weapon season. We can have 1 archery tag and the potential for numerous any weapon tags. They are drawn for and there are numerous areas that have left overs that can be purchased after the drawings are finished. Not to mention reservation tags......

This hunt was on april 6 i think. The birds in this area flock up for the winter, this was one of those areas where they congregate. This is the most birds strutting I have seen at one time! A memorable hunt. As the spring advances the birds migrate back to the summer areas. This particular farmer has said he thinks these birds probably come from up to 5 to 7 miles away to winter here......
Impressive display of tails and beards. I've had 17 birds working at once, but nothing compared to that show. Nice video, thanks for sharing it.