Trump: Take guns first; due process second.

Mar 15, 2017
Due process is a big deal. Any talk about violating it needs to have swift and absolute condemnation. I'm disappointed that Trump wasn't booed by every person around that table at the mention of it.


Aug 25, 2015
Did anyone else notice that outright glee on Dianne Feinstein's face when Trump was making these comments? She even came out of her chair at one point.
Feinstein has become too conservative for us Californians, that the Democrats aren't backing her in our next election. Chew on that!!


Aug 25, 2015
Due process is a big deal. Any talk about violating it needs to have swift and absolute condemnation. I'm disappointed that Trump wasn't booed by every person around that table at the mention of it.
I agree, that's my biggest heartburn with him, due process, and that other one...ummm eminent domain for shopping malls and such for the greater good. Terrifying to talk about taking away due process to me.


Aug 25, 2015
When they received numerous calls that this individual was unstable ...they did nothing didn't even talk to him
When he was an active shooter in a school... they did nothing
Now the government must do SOMETHING and the only thing they can do is take away a little more freedom

They can't make enough laws to make everyone safe
And they can't spend enough tax dollars to make everyone rich
You are right and that's very logical. Unfortunately, it won't stop liberas from trying to make everyone safe from things they hate like guns, but not criminal illegals, and trying to redistribute money from evil weather people and companies to those less fortunate.


Jun 6, 2014
North-Central Illinois
I find this odd. Trump ended a Obama era gun control law giving bureaucratic officials the right to strip an individual of their constitutional rights if deemed one was mentally ill by definition of said person not being able to manage their own finances. Ive been told it’s fairly common for patients with certain types of mental illness to have reps that manage their funds. Seems their talking very similar politics. Maybe just redefining the law. I’d assume there is some strategy in this.

It's only odd if you assume he is acting in good faith. On the other hand, he could be simply watching how the political winds are blowing and saying whatever he thinks will help him retain power so he can give more tax breaks to his donors and rich buddies.


Oct 5, 2012
For months, and is some cases years, I have brought up both 4th and 10th amendment issues with their gun control wants. And in some cases they even proposed Commerce Clause violations. Not a one of them understood anything about what I was getting at. They are so focused on the 2nd that they have lost site of the fact that we are a nation of laws. Plural. Just plain ass stupid one issue kind of people.

Now, here is a clear example of a 4th amendment issue.


Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
Constitutional amendments, they're not AL-a-carte folks.

I'm glad to hear you say that, we actually agree on something. So any convicted felon after he's served his time and paid the penalty for his crime should have ALL rights, freedoms, and liberties restored. Yet they already continue to refuse him his 2nd Amendment rights, while restoring his right to vote. So......are they really not a-la-cart, or is our government and judicial system over-stepping their bounds as usual?


May 28, 2017
yes. the anti gun crowd, and sadly these kids who seem very well funded by the community activist folks, answer is to remove the guns from all of us, with the promise they will protect us... while some of those watched the killing.

at the very highest levels, their time seemed (top law enforcement) occupied with who's going to win the election and influencing, not even enough time to respond to called in tips on this guy.

for me, gun control is not about safety but who is in the ruling class.

I am confused by your last sentence and don't want to make any assumptions about it, so what do you mean by, "for me, gun control is not about safety but who is in the ruling class"
Sep 3, 2014
Sabinal, TX
On its face it’s a pretty scary comment and, if it was anyone OTHER than DJT, I’d be pretty upset. I’ve learned, though, that DJT’s mouth (as my wife says) “outruns his hummingbird a$$.” You can’t take everything that comes out of his mouth as being a perfectly well-thought out and succinct policy position. Particularly when he’s speaking off the cuff in an open discussion session like this comment was made in. I’m sure he didn’t mean exactly what his words said. It’s not a great situation, no doubt, but not as worrisome as it would be if it would have come from a polished politician’s mouth.

I think the President is far more effected by events like the Florida shooting than previous presidents and most politicians. I think he was emotional and got caught where his emotions, at the moment, outran his mouth and his (true) views on the 2nd Amendment and firearms. Additionally, I believe he was strictly talking about people exhibiting severe mental health issues; and I agree that SOMETHING needs to change in regards to mental health in this country. I WOULD be in support of a legal means of seizing firearms in the case of clear mental health issues and/or threats made - similar to a temporary restraining order - AS LONG AS there’s a clear cut process for the individual to make the case for the lifting of that order in a short time frame. If there’s going to be a limitation created it absolutely MUST be a TEMPORARY restriction and come with a coincidental procedure for due process that places the burden squarely on the shoulders of the state. In addition, there would have to be stiff penalties for falsely reporting people for suspected issues or threats. It’s a conversation I’d be willing to have.

We use temporary restraining orders all the time to help in domestic disputes or custody cases where there’s some indication that violence could occur; and it’s proven reasonably helpful in that regard. All I’m saying is that I’d be willing to have the discussion and listen to people much smarter than me explore both sides.

Generally, I’m opposed to ANY restrictions on the 2nd Amendment and, in fact, believe that NOBODY should have their Constitutional rights restricted permanently. I oppose the laws that PERMANENTLY strip felons and those dishonorably from the military of their rights to vote and possess firearms. If it’s truly a “Right that shall not be infringed” then NO behavior should remove those rights PERMANENTLY, with ZERO opportunity to rehabilitate or ‘earn’ them back after a period of time. Period. I find it absolutely SHAMEFUL that the NRA and most 2A “supporters” pick and choose when it’s a “right” and when it’s really more of a “privilege” that can be infringed on. Personally, I find it totally backwards to watch people argue against some temporary restriction of an obviously deranged person that’s threatening violence but they’re simultaneously opposed to someone who made a mistake being able to reacquire their Constitutional rights, even after completing their sentence and/or rehabilitation. Seems to me that the former presents a far clearer threat to society than the latter. Yet, the NRA and most 2A supporters are fighting to support the rights of the mentally ill with NO regard to others that present a far smaller risk.

I’m an NRA member and have been for around 45 years. I continue to support them despite my disappointment in their lack of continuity on the 2A. If there was an equally effective organization that truly supported the “shall not be infringed” part of the 2A I’d switch. But there isn’t. So, I’ll stick with supporting them and trying to effect change in NRA policy from within.

Rant over. Lol.

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Nov 4, 2015
Trump's comments were taken out of context, he was referring to taking guns to prevent violence when a threat is recognized. Had the FBI acted on the tips given to them about Nikolas Cruz they would have taken his guns then went through due process. Unfortunately no one acted and he committed another american school shooting.

I get it it, no one likes any kind of barrier to gun ownership but no one likes burying their kids. These shooting are largely preventable.


Dec 17, 2015
Midwest - IL
Trumps an idiot of epic proportions. And don’t give me the “well he’s better than Hilary” argument. Trump being an idiot isnt dependent on Hilary being/not being the president.

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Nov 21, 2013
Boulder, CO
Keep in mind this already happens in some states with emergency protection orders. You cant be in possession of any firearms, and you havent been in front of a judge yet.

Not saying its right. Also keep in mind in most states if you make suicidal or homicidal statements you can be detained against you will for a mental health eval. Which should've happened in the case of tge most recent Florida shooter.

I see this as nothing more than pandering. Like obama rambling about the gunshow loophole in Indiana being responsible for gun violence in Chicago, he knew that was b.s. but it sounded good to idiots.


Nov 21, 2013
Boulder, CO
Trumps an idiot of epic proportions. And don’t give me the “well he’s better than Hilary” argument. Trump being an idiot isnt dependent on Hilary being/not being the president.

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Be that as it may, thank the cesspool in your state for him being elected. Without 8yrs of complete lunacy prior,there would be no President Trump. So thank the great community disorganizer.


Mar 18, 2012
Tulsa, OK
Trumps an idiot of epic proportions. And don’t give me the “well he’s better than Hilary” argument. Trump being an idiot isnt dependent on Hilary being/not being the president.

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Geniuses are hard to understand and often are difficult to get along with. Doesn’t mean he is an idiot. I believe he has the highest IQ of any President. That comes with its issues. But being a hunter in inconsistent with gun control because once the slide starts it is hard to stop.

I am one of the paranoid and believe some day we will have to put the government back in check. Just the was history has always been and the US is not immune to human nature of power and corruption. Has nothing to do with a political party.

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Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
Geniuses are hard to understand and often are difficult to get along with. Doesn’t mean he is an idiot. I believe he has the highest IQ of any President. That comes with its issues. TRUE.

I am one of the paranoid and believe some day we will have to put the government back in check. Just the was history has always been and the US is not immune to human nature of power and corruption. Has nothing to do with a political party.

That's not being one of the paranoid, that's being educated on history and how these things work and eventually come tumbling down. The paranoid are the ones that think guns are scary and out to get them.
May 9, 2012
Bothell, Wa
Trump's comments were taken out of context, he was referring to taking guns to prevent violence when a threat is recognized. Had the FBI acted on the tips given to them about HookUp they would have taken his guns then went through due process.....

Fixed that for you.


Sep 29, 2014
North Idaho
Trumps an idiot of epic proportions. And don’t give me the “well he’s better than Hilary” argument. Trump being an idiot isnt dependent on Hilary being/not being the president.

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Trump's better than Hillary...the woman was scum.... And don't give me the "don't give me Trump's better than HIlary" argument....

Illiinois....nuff said.
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Sep 29, 2014
North Idaho
Be that as it may, thank the cesspool in your state for him being elected. Without 8yrs of complete lunacy prior,there would be no President Trump. So thank the great community disorganizer.
Well, see, whaack might very much disagree with you and pride of Obama and all....