TT Double Rainbow vs Nemo Hornet 2p vs BA Fly Creek UL2


Jan 18, 2016
Southern Idaho
I am trying to lighten my pack weight and currently looking at upgrading my tent. I am planning on using these two person tents on solo trips and maybe to squeeze in a buddy or my young son for a night or two when we want to go fast and light. I have mostly narrowed my search to these three tents and wanted to hear feedback, suggestions or experience from anybody that has them. I am open to other tents that I may have overlooked but I would like to spend $300 or less (I shop for sales and I am open to buying used). Maybe someday I will get brave and try a tarp but for now I want a floor and bug protection.

I think I am leaning towards the Tarptent double rainbow. I just wish I could set it up and look at it before I order one. I know the Big Agnes Fly Creek is popular among backpackers, but comparing that with the Nemo Hornet 2p I feel it would be a better choice with the side entry and larger vestibules. Am I missing something about the Nemo? Seems like it should be more popular than the Fly Creek but that doesn't seem to be the case.


Oct 3, 2013
OR Hunter back in Oregon
I have had the fly creek 2, and sold it to get a side door access. I have the Copper Spur 2. It is possibly the most popular BA tent because of its size and ease of use for about 3.25#. They can be had on craigslist for $300 or less. If I had known about the Tarptent, I would likely have a double rainbow instead of the CS and be equally as happy. I have no experience with the Nemo.


Aug 20, 2014
I am trying to lighten my pack weight and currently looking at upgrading my tent. I am planning on using these two person tents on solo trips and maybe to squeeze in a buddy or my young son for a night or two when we want to go fast and light. I have mostly narrowed my search to these three tents and wanted to hear feedback, suggestions or experience from anybody that has them. I am open to other tents that I may have overlooked but I would like to spend $300 or less (I shop for sales and I am open to buying used). Maybe someday I will get brave and try a tarp but for now I want a floor and bug protection.

I think I am leaning towards the Tarptent double rainbow. I just wish I could set it up and look at it before I order one. I know the Big Agnes Fly Creek is popular among backpackers, but comparing that with the Nemo Hornet 2p I feel it would be a better choice with the side entry and larger vestibules. Am I missing something about the Nemo? Seems like it should be more popular than the Fly Creek but that doesn't seem to be the case.
Believe me, if you're torn about it, paying shipping and returning what you don't like is WAY better than never knowing :)

If it were me, I'd give the TT a go.


Jun 18, 2013
Really enjoy my Double Rainbow, no experience with the others though. Had it in really high winds and added the trekking poles, nice option to have, quite a bit of rain also so far and stayed dry. You will get condensation but it hasnt really been a problem, you can get a liner also though. I'm glad i went with the double as having a zipper on either side is nice for storing things or opening up vestibles, just more versatile. Where are you located? Maybe you can find someone with one nearby.


Jan 18, 2016
Southern Idaho
Thanks for the comments guys. That tarptent keeps looking better and better. I am near Denver CO and would love to find someone with a double rainbow for me to check out. Heck I'd like to look at a lot of their tents like the protrail, moment or notch. I like that you don't have to have trekking poles with the rainbow since I don't always use mine.

With the condensation in the DR I have heard that you can buy a liner. I also assume it would be fairly easy to make one? Does it just have loops to hook it to kind of like a tent gear loft would?


Aug 24, 2015
Washington State
You will get some condensation in very moist conditions in the Rainbows, but being from western Washington, I'm guessing I have a more consistent issue with that than you would in Colorado. In that typically much drier environment, I wouldn't think you'd have too much trouble. I've got a single and did own a double rainbow (shouldn't have sold it...) and I think one little drawback with them is that the vent at the peak of the tent don't tend to stay open very well. If they did, I think there'd be less condensation, but the tents are so large (side entrance is major advantage) for one person that I really don't brush up against the walls much anyway. The vent 'edge' uses a piece of 'rigilene boning' to give the edge a little structure, but I think Henry needs to use a little stiffer piece of it that's a little longer and then that vent would literally 'pop' open every time the tent is set up. I use this same stuff in my tent designs and have experimented with it quite a bit and for a couple of added grams of weight, he could get those vents to work much better.

On my single, I sewed a couple of 'struts' from the tent body to the bottom edge of the vent in it's middle so that when the tent is set up the vents 'pop' open. Just did that this last October after using the tent the last time for the season so haven't had a chance to test it yet, but there's probably as least 2-3 times the vent opening now than before. Maybe Henry has improved on this since I bought mine several years ago.

All that to say that I'm not sure you'd need a liner. Certainly try w/o first.


Jun 18, 2013
I think it would be pretty easy to make a liner, not sure but it just looks like a rectangle shape, there are hooks inside the tent that it attaches too, I think 6 or so. Like jmden mentioned, don't think you would really need it, i've only had some drops on me if the wind blew or some on my foot area if I touched the tent. I probably have about 15 nights in mine and can only remember several where I had no condensation, even with it pitched up high in the desert. I agree on the vents, never thought of of trying to open them up more but good idea.


Jan 18, 2016
Southern Idaho
Good to know with the condensation. It never was a real big concern of mine but something to be aware of with a single wall shelter.

Do you guys feel like there is much room to lighten the tent further by using lighter guy lines and stakes? Not real important mostly just curious.

I heard that Henry is releasing some new updates to his tents over the next few weeks. I'm pretty excited to see what he rolls out.


Jun 21, 2015
I have the double rainbow and like it a lot. I have the liner also and what little condensation I have had in it in California has been manageable. There isn't many two person tents as light as this one. Its has been a good little tent. I don't recommend getting the piece of Tyvek from them....I would much rather have a piece of ripstop for the ground. Between my Thermarest sleeping pad and the piece of Tyvek on the ground it can get quite noisy, lol.


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Staff member
Jul 30, 2015
Palmer, AK
I had a BA Fly Creek and returned it after one trip. The rain fly drips water directly into the head of the tent when unzipped all the way. Apparently the new steep wall models are better.

Here's my Protrail that replaced it.

I like the tent so far. Condensation is as expected for a single wall. My only beef is when I kick over the footer pole. Completely my fault though.

Late season it stays at home and the Hille makes the trips. The extra 3lbs is worth it in my opinion. I have had two tents fail on me mid hunt. Neither were Hillebergs......
Nov 7, 2012
Love my Double Rainbow. The only thing I could say negative about it is that with my wife and I in it I get a good amount of condensation in cooler temps. Other than that I love it. Easy to set up and plenty of room for what I need.


Jan 18, 2016
Southern Idaho
Pretty sure I'm sold on trying a Tarptent.

Anybody know anyone in the Denver CO area that has one? I'd really like to look at one of the models before I pull the trigger on one.


Jun 17, 2014
SW Virginia
After a lot of research I went with the TT Stratospire. It requires trekking poles but has tons of room for 2 and can be used as a tarp only for 3 or 4. There are tons of videos online about most of their tents. I called Henry and ended up getting a blemished model (cosmetic) for less money.

God Bless.


Jan 18, 2016
Southern Idaho
After a lot of research I went with the TT Stratospire. It requires trekking poles but has tons of room for 2 and can be used as a tarp only for 3 or 4. There are tons of videos online about most of their tents. I called Henry and ended up getting a blemished model (cosmetic) for less money.

God Bless.

I really am torn. I keep going back and forth on trekking pole supported tents. I really like the set up of the stratospire and if I was going for a true two person I think it would be a great. I still have considered it because I often to go with another person but even on a solo trip the stratospire is still reasonably light.

I think my biggest hang up has been the trekking poles. I got some last year and I have mixed feelings on them so far. When I am just hiking I think they are probably worth it. But when I am hunting I am not sure they are worth the hassle. Mostly because I usually carry/sling my bow/gun when I am hunting so trekking poles don't work then. And when I am using binos along the trail I think trekking poles get in the way. I should probably use them for the hike in and out of camp though and then I could use them for a tent. I was wishing I had them on my Wyoming deer hunt last year when I was coming out with a 90+ pound pack.

My other hold up with trekking pole tents is the weight once I add the trekking poles. For example the double rainbow weighs 41 oz and doesn't require trekking poles. The stratospire weighs 46 oz but it is double walled and larger so well worth the extra ounces. However when I add my 19.5 oz trekking poles my shelter weight jumps to 65.5 oz. Which is still not out of the question for a solo trip but doesn't sound as nice as 41 oz.

I wish I had lots of money and then I would probably get a protrail for solo trips and a stratospire for when a buddy comes. Too much cool gear and not enough money or time to use it all...


Jun 17, 2014
SW Virginia
I dont't really use trekking poles regularly but I have them and figure they'll be good to have if/when I kill a elk and pack it out. When using them for the tent they make super strong tent poles. Plenting of money and time would be nice.

God Bless.


Jan 18, 2016
Southern Idaho
I thought I had my mind made up on the Double Rainbow and now I am reconsidering and looking more into the Stratospire 2. We will see if I can get my mind made up before winter is over.

Has anyone slept with two people in a double rainbow? My wife and I taped out 52x88 inches on the floor and slept in it with our camping gear. It was cozy but do able, especially with my wife. In some reviews I read they said the floor only taped out to 48 inches as well. I would be really interested to hear if two full grown guys have shared the double rainbow. (If you have done it but swore you would never talk about it outside of hunting camp, you can send me a PM. After you get your buddies permission of course. lol)


Jun 18, 2013
For me i wouldnt want to share mine with anyone i'm not closely related to if you know what i mean, he, he. You'd pretty much be shoulder to shoulder. I was also looking at the stratosphire and think even that would be close for two in the nest, i like the floorless option though that looks roomy. I think in one of the videos he says the Stratosphire is one of the more storm worthy models if that matters.


Jan 18, 2016
Southern Idaho
Haha yeah that's kinda what I'm thinking. From what I understand the stratospire has an adjustable floor. From 52 inches to 62 inches. So on the 62 inch setting I think it definitely would. My current two man tent is 66 wide and I can't even tell my buddy is there. So I think I might sell my other tent and just go with the stratospire.