What TV shows need to come back?

Anyone watch My Name is Earl? I thought that one was good.
I don't remember much of it, but one I'll never forget - Ben Foster's character in the My Name is Inmate episodes.

"I'm gonna rip off your ears, and shove them up your butt just so you can hear me kickin' your ass!"
Let’s see if we can turn that wedge into a wall.

I also couldn’t get into The Office.
It seems you've failed - I've never seen a single episode. After Seinfeld, I kind of gave up on TV. Anything newer I've watched has been on a streaming service. All my knowledge of The Office is from memes, and they paint a bleak, depressing picture. The characters all look like d-bags.
It seems you've failed - I've never seen a single episode. After Seinfeld, I kind of gave up on TV. Anything newer I've watched has been on a streaming service. All my knowledge of The Office is from memes, and they paint a bleak, depressing picture. The characters all look like d-bags.
Oh good. We can still be friends that just secretly judge each other for the tv shows we watch.
We tried to watch a Seinfeld rerun a few months back and I could only think to myself "What in hell were we thinking". Dumbest show ever created.