What's in your bino harness

Marsupial harness

60a blades
Tyto 1.1 in back
Rangefinder on right strap
Diaphragms in right pouch
Windicator in left pouch
We run the FHF AND LOVE IT. 10x42 Zeiss, 5 rounds 7mm-08, phone, license tag, cow call, wind check, lens cloth bug. No lens caps. Keep it lite, keep it simple.
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FHF fan checking in

Side pouches - diaphrams and wind checker
Front pouch - tall bino adapter, mini bic, tinder, whistle, lens pen, lens wipe, small flint and striker, small folding knife.
Back mesh - iPhone X, paper map and tag
Rangefinder pouch - rangefinder (go figure)

That thing must be stretched ton the gills
I've got my tags in the zip pocket lol.
I like the FHF Harness. I have two now, I got one to leave the Razco holster attached to for AK or some scouting trips and still have my old one for use where I don't want the handgun. I just rifle hunt at this time, so no bow gear for me.

I run Lecia Geovid HD-B binos so my rangefinder is built in, doesn't need a pouch.

The mesh pocket on the old one holds my Benchmade Altitude sheath perfect so it's on the LH side. The RH side has a wind checker. The zipper pocket on the front has a mini BIC lighter in a little ziplock bag, a Streamlight Microstream USB re-chargeable mini flashlight, and a couple wetfire cubes if it's wet. That's enough to give me light to re-locate my pack or make a fire if needed without adding much bulk and only about 5oz.

The new one has different mesh pockets that won't hold the Altitude. I have the same light and lighter in it. I also keep the rain cover from my old Kuiu harness in that front pocket. I put a 1.2oz folding lockback with a 3" blade in it, an old Schrade from when I was a kid and they used better steel. I got a new version that looks the same, an SH3. and it's junk. Past that stuff I have 3 wetfire cubes and a few Aquamira tabs.

On both I have a Kuiu lenscloth clipped to the bottom of it, and a Kuiu rangefinder cord I can snap into a piece of trotline cord tied to my binos. I like my binos easy to take out and put on a tripod, but this cord can be snapped on quick if I'm around a lot of water or otherwise want them attached to me.

I just want the things I want to have handy, the most basic emergency gear (fire/knife), and a light to use relocating my pack. My phone is my GPS now and is always in my pocket. If I drop my pack I'll try darn hard to also make a waypoint unless time is a huge factor (like it always is when I drop my pack). I use all re-chargeable electronics now (Steripen, headlamp, I phone) and carry a battery pack in my back-pack to top them off as needed.
Marsupial Gear w/ Rangefinder in side mounted case
Side Pouches:
Wind checker
Front Pouch:
Electrical tape
Knife sharpener
Back Pouch:
"Extra" Permits
Honey Stinger
Mine basically has a pair of 10x42’s and some candy. I think I need to upgrade after seeing what some of you haul.

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A few posts with sharpies. Why?

Sign a tag, make a mark on a paper map, write a note to myself (I keep a small spiral waterproof notepad in my bino case) or draw out a picture of landmarks with ranges to each when planning a stalk.

You can’t cheat the mountain
I have a badlands XR and carry wind checker, cow call, range finder and my phone. Sometimes I toss my handheld release in but I try to keep it as organized as possible. it's easy to load them up with everything imaginable.
you must have never drawn on your buddy's face while he naps...

Tag, bino adapter, zeiss lens wipes, lens brush, spuds, bic lighter, skeleton knife, Okkeef’s lip repair.
I see a lot of guys take the minimalist approach with the bino harness. I just ordered an AGC Classic, I plan on the harness carrying a bunch of stuff for when I drop my main pack.
We run the FHF AND LOVE IT. 10x42 Zeiss, 5 rounds 7mm-08, phone, license tag, cow call, wind check, lens cloth bug. No lens caps. Keep it lite, keep it simple.
FHF FOB with wings - E3 pouch right, under pouch, tall pouch left. Carry Swarovski 10x42 Range in main. Left has tourniquet, blood congealing bandage, chapstick, neosporin, headlamp in main, phone in rear, wind powder bottle front. Bottom has knife, Leupold scope tool. Right has kestrel on front, sufficient ammo inside. Everything I need to stalk and take an animal, and in the event someone is stupid, have a shot at living long enough for help to arrive.
Pretty sure I'm about to pick up the new Eberlestock Recon harness. Probably just the rf pouch to add on the bino pouch/harness. Already have some other stuff to attach that work for my other small items I want in reach.