What's your favorite part of a hunt?

Sep 22, 2013
For me it's the period immediately following my predawn hike in the dark. I go into full predator mode as the first rosy fingers of dawn pierce the morning sky. My Spidey senses start tingling as I scan for movement, sign and listen to the sounds of the backcountry. That's when I am most alive and it is also when the majority of my kills occurred. Nice to beat the heat with an early AM field dressing.
For me it is the time spent sitting in the woods. Everything is so quiet and peaceful. The sound of leaves blowing in the trees. Watching squirrels and other wildlife run about. It's kind of like a form of meditation. Gives me time to just get away from the hustle and bustle of life, slow down, and clear my mind.
Having an animal, that I want to kill, show up in approximately the spot I expected it to. The thrill of having a plan actually come together, based on studying and scouting before the hunt, is easily my favorite part. All the sunrises, sunsets, ancillary animal activity, etc are nice, but that’s the part that I get an adrenaline rush from.
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Going home lol. Usually because I’m so gosh darn beat. Then after 2 days home I’m ready to get back out there

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Having to persevere. The harder the better. Those are the hunts that I remember the most. Going past when most quit. And when you do find success after a grueling hunt not only physically but mentally, it’s all the sweeter….. the worst packouts I’ve been apart of, you know the ones where you question your sanity, those are the ones that will be forever etched in my mind and cherished.
Setting the last pack out on the tailgate sure is a great high. But, damn “my favorite part” included everything that happens before that moment. Having a favorite part means nothing to me because I love every aspect of it.
The moments right before you are anticipating taking a shot .......... whether you are walking up to a dog pointing a bird or a big game animal is moving into position. It seems like in those few seconds that the intensity level is immeasurable, and the energy is sky high.