Which Bino's are the best with advanced ballistic solution?


Jun 12, 2022
I believe this subject has been brought up in the past but I have not seen any real input on the subject (in my limited search abilities). I currently have Swarovski 10 x 42 SLC's and a Sig Sauer 2400ABS. I do love this combo but the thought of having just binoculars only really intrigues me. If this subject has been covered at length please send me a link to the conversation. I am aware that Leica, Swarovski, Zeiss and Sig makes their own version of these. From what I have read from the Leica, Swaro, Zeiss it is very limited how many profiles you can enter. This is kind of a big deal to me I have 14 profiles in my ABS right now between my rifles and my son's and using lead free bullets etc. I have not really dug into the Sig too much yet as I think I would prefer the Euro glass. Any input or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
I loved my Zeiss. The swarovski had slightly better glass, but not near as good of a rangefinder. The zeiss are more streamlined without the bottom bellies also. The swarovski had a better, easier to see readout though. I'm not sure on either of their internal profile limitations though.
ZEISS has 16 total 8 are custom profiles you can create. The other 8 are 8 common curves the “fit” popular calibers.

You creat and update via there hunting app. It’s pretty easy to change one of the 8 custom to another if you know your data.
The Sig Rangefinder binoculars are the most advanced electronically but are average optically. The Leica Geovid 3200.com and Geovid Pro are excellent electronically as well as optically, however, they are more expensive. It would be our pleasure to discuss this with you