Why is Seek Outside giving gun control advocate Ryan Busse air time?

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I have a bunch of hunting buddies that are all pro freedom and 2a. From this day on ever piece of seek outside equipment will be referred to as the commie gear!! All users of this equipment will be shamed on a regular basis. I have to admit the gear sure is nice but I will be immediately looking to phase it all out of my kit and no longer recommend the company to anyone!
“Trump crowd is a cult. I don’t care if gay people get married.“You sure put the two together.
And I don’t disagree with the cult part necessarily. Trouble is the Trump deranged have formed their own cult.
They are seperate sentences in a paragraph stating some things I don’t like about modern “conservatism”

I think anybody that pays any attention to politics at all knows that trump never spent much energy on or opposed things like that.
I have a bunch of hunting buddies that are all pro freedom and 2a. From this day on ever piece of seek outside equipment will be referred to as the commie gear!! All users of this equipment will be shamed on a regular basis. I have to admit the gear sure is nice but I will be immediately looking to phase it all out of my kit and no longer recommend the company to anyone!
Hopefully you don’t replace it with products made in or with parts from China…lol

An uptick in sales for the "Veteran Owned" companies that are basically a storage unit of pre-boxed Chinese products with a UPS label printer near the door.
Or the ones where you can buy the same product for less than half price without the fancy influencer branding and give vague details of supporting conservation but no substance.
Or the ones where you can buy the same product for less than half price without the fancy influencer branding and give vague details of supporting conservation but no substance.
Over my head also, what or who are you referring to?
I wonder how many people on this thread have Nikes on or put their kids in nikes. How many people support John Kerry and his family by buying Heinz ketchup? My father in law punishes all of us by making us eat hunts ketchup.

We all want to be outraged, at least SO is a supporter of public lands and hunting.
I’m sure you think cancel culture has become out of hand especially now that it’s coming for you.
Now the pitchforks are out and it’s not as fun as it was when Alex Jones was getting cancelled.

I’m torn on how to handle this kind of thing. On one hand, I don’t like seeing someone’s business and reputation get soiled because we disagree on a few issues.

On the other hand, when I wake up and look at the absolute insanity going on across our country every day, I can’t help but wonder if conservatives have been too lax with boycotts and other non-violent means. The left has been much more willing to utilize such measures, and as a result, a good portion of our society is absolutely terrified of them today and is carrying their water.
Here is what kills me. People on the left who have twitter pages like Busse, full of vitriol and hate for people with opposing views, always go on and on about “just having an honest conversation.”

The “honest conversation” is always a front. It’s like a time share salesman offering a free vacation… They are going to come off nice, like they just want to talk. In reality they think you are stupid, and they are looking to take advantage of you to get what they want.

In reality, this has been a real honest conversation looks like, where stakeholders from all sides got to have their say, and those that said things got a chance to own them. If people agreed with Busse or SO wanted to say something in this thread, they were free to do so. Same with those who disagreed.

I have a feeling this wasn’t the conversation SO wanted to have however.
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