Winter Olympics...


Jun 20, 2019
So, I've been watching the Winter Olympics in the evenings after work. Some of it has been pretty good, but some of it is just irksome. For instance, the Russians were caught in the doping scandal a few years ago and were banned from competition- so they formed the ROC and Russians are allowed to compete. How is that any sort of penalty? And while I could care less about figure skating, a Russian skater has now tested positive for a banned substance and she's permitted to compete? All this tells me is that Russia hasn't learned anything from their non punishment in the previous doping/rule breaking. I mean, wth? Would you want a medal if you knew that you had broken the rules to get it? Maybe it's just me, but winning that way would be worse than coming in last. It's not a "win at all costs, life depends on it" situation. The games have rules but the rules are meaningless if they aren't enforced.
Don't know, don't care. Just like everything, it gets political, that's when they lose me.
Russians gonna dope just like the sun is gonna rise. It is what it is.

The Olympics are getting more and more complicated just like everything else. It's not the Olympic's fault. Or the athlete's fault. It's just the way things go.

For my money, X-country skiing is still the baddest of the baddest sports. They literally look like they're gonna die at the end of every race.

Ski jumping, downhill, super G, speed skating, skeleton, bobsled...

So much good stuff to watch. I love it.
Like almost everyone else, not watching even a minute of the Olimpics.
So, I've been watching the Winter Olympics in the evenings after work. Some of it has been pretty good, but some of it is just irksome. For instance, the Russians were caught in the doping scandal a few years ago and were banned from competition- so they formed the ROC and Russians are allowed to compete. How is that any sort of penalty? And while I could care less about figure skating, a Russian skater has now tested positive for a banned substance and she's permitted to compete? All this tells me is that Russia hasn't learned anything from their non punishment in the previous doping/rule breaking. I mean, wth? Would you want a medal if you knew that you had broken the rules to get it? Maybe it's just me, but winning that way would be worse than coming in last. It's not a "win at all costs, life depends on it" situation. The games have rules but the rules are meaningless if they aren't enforced.
I've been watching it off and on. I really enjoy it. My favorite is the biathlon The medal that is won is only a piece of it. Its all the money from endorsements after you win. When money is involved people will do anything to win.
For the Russian Olympians, it might be life or death. But on a different note, haven't watched one minute, screw China.
For the Russian Olympians, it might be life or death. But on a different note, haven't watched one minute, screw China.
Oh, then you're missing the giant grey cooling towers next to the half-pipe and ski jumping area. Most dismal Winter Olympics backdrop ever. China is disturbing, but I couldn't miss Shawn White's last run at a medal.
Oh, then you're missing the giant grey cooling towers next to the half-pipe and ski jumping area. Most dismal Winter Olympics backdrop ever. China is disturbing, but I couldn't miss Shawn White's last run at a medal.
The Montgomery Burns Big Air Facility at the 2022 Springfield Olympics!
I really enjoy the Olympics. I'd say +95% of the American athletes love their country and are damn proud to be representing the US. And the vast majority of them have been working at their olympic dream long before everything became so damn political. So I won't let the politics of the IOC, China, or NBC steal from their hard-earned moment. There have been some great moments so far and I'm looking forward to more.

Some of you guys on this site have a list of things/people/companies for cancelling that would rival the list on the Democratic Socialists of America website.