
Got 2 miles in this morning, mtntough mgd this afternoon. There's one more week of this particular mtntough routine, then I'm gonna get back in the gym. I've really enjoyed these workouts and have been really impressed!! But I'm a huge fan of the big 4 and I've missed it lol. First part of November I'll start the Stronglift 5x5 routine again and stay with it through winter most likely.
Wednesday legs
Volume training

Today push volume training
Flat db barrel press 21/17/11/15 50/60/70/55s
Barbell incline 20/17/15/15 140/120
Plate anterior raise 17/15/15 25# each hand
Cable lateral raise 20/17/17/15
db Hammers 21/17/15/11 35/40/45/50
Pushdown 19/16/12
Incline db curl 19/17/18 25/20/20s
Rope pushdown 20/18/15
I'm off today, so got up and knocked out the mtntough mgd early. I have a few things to do around the house and a few errands to run around town, then I'll be headed to camp. My brother missed a big buck day before yesterday, so I'm gonna try to kill him this weekend and then pick on him the rest of the season. That's what brothers are for lol.
Good luck hunting gentlemen!
Daughter has homecoming court tonight and dance tomorrow. I’m locked down it’s her senior year.

Barbell t bar bent over row 26/18/16/18 135/160/160/135#
Front pull-down 23/18/18/16
Rear delt fly 26/20/17/17
db mid back hyper 25/25

Treadmill 12-15 deg 20 min @2.8
5 miles past two days, took the bow for a walk yesterday and the muzzle today. Figured I would chase some southern antlers before I head out west in a few weeks. Cleared some spots manually that the tractor can't safely reach. Not a gym workout but I assure you calories got burned.