
22 miles (4200')—*disclaimer no bears were hurt or injured on this trip :ROFLMAO:



Quarterfinals 24.4
With a continually running clock, complete as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:

10 clean and jerks, weight 1

Rest 1 minute

10 clean and jerks, weight 2

Rest 1 minute

10 clean and jerks, weight 3

Rest 1 minute

Max-reps clean and jerks in time remaining, weight 4

♀ 85, 125, 155, 165 lb (38, 56, 70, 75 kg)

♂ 135, 185, 225, 245 lb (61, 83, 102, 111 kg)
Not going to lie, part of me was glad I didn't find a bear when I was 10-ish mile in :D

4 miles (500') with Tiny Elvis this morning—had to beat the wind that's coming (and here now)
I’m wanting to do a couple big mule deer scouting trips over the next couple weeks as the high country snow is coming off. Packing my little gun out of habit. I’m similar to you, I’m almost hoping a great big, unique color phase bear doesn’t stand in front of me! I want to do some good hikes before green up, bugs and heat.
10 minute alternating EMOM: (5 rounds each)
-2 push press + 2 push jerks (building from 60% max push press)
-200m run

For time:
800m run
5 rounds:
1 rope climb
10 push ups
15 air squats
400m run

Packing up and headed about 7 hours east on Sunday, got a bear tag burning a hole in my pocket. Have a good week gentleman!