

Feb 7, 2020
Anyone try wolf? Sounds bizarre but putting it out there. I like bear and cougar and I’ve ate dog (yeah I know...) in Korea and liked it. Anyone try/like/have a recipe preference for wolf?
Yeah coyote is bad, wolf I imagine is just as bad. Most of the Lewis and Clark expedition preferred dogs to elk strangely enough besides the 2 leaders, Lewis wasn’t a fan, Clark didn’t really care one way or the other.
Haha yeah definitely a possibility. I haven’t skinned one but have had some bad bears and can’t imagine they could be worse. Never know until you experience it though..
I shot one in MN and planned on eating it. Unfortunately, the process for checking in the carcass combined with a government holiday did not allow it for it. Judging from how it smelled, I wouldn't have high expectations for taste. I was literally dry heaving as I walked through the woods with that thing strapped to my back, and I don't typically have a weak stomach.