WTB swaro eyepiece

Mar 29, 2013
Hey guys, looking for a 20-60 eyepiece for my stm-65. Running the 25-50 wide right now.
Let me know if you have one kicking around.
Or the best deal you have seen on a new one.
Thanks, rob
Little more history. I had a sts65 with a 20-60. Sold it bought a stm65 with the 25-50.
I want to compare them glassing a mountainside side by side.
Will probably sell off the one I don't like. Thanks, rob
Don't no if you ever got a 20-60 but I have one I may be willing to trade off my ATM 65....
Hey guys, no I have not found one yet. The search continues.
Was hoping for around 300.
Thanks, rob
You still want to trade your 25-50w for a 20-60? Or are you just looking to buy a 60 out rite?
Jd, would still like to buy a 20-60 to do a comparison side by side.
May have to just end up trading out but will give it some time
Thanks, rob