Wyoming 6 points

So I’m taking it that point creep is beginning to be a thing?
Point creep is the single biggest reason I will spend more time on Canada, Landowner vouchers, OTC guided hunts and Texas ranch hunts in the future.

I am doing a Texas ranch hunt for either Barrasinga, Nilgai or Pere David's Deer in 2022. That freeze made things really expensive.

Thinking about a Canadian whitetail or black bear hunt with some grouse shooting or geese on the side for fall 2023.

I am almost scared to add up the cost for building points and applying in Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, and Montana. I reckon I am pretty close to $1500-2000 per year in not hunting.

Going to cash out Arizona points programs in 2023. I have enough points for javelina, coues, and elk. This is my last year of buying points.

Utah and Nevada I am in no-man's land. I have 2-5 points for all species. I do not see a situation where I could draw with any relative certainty in the next 20 years.

Wyoming I am on the fence, as you don't have to buy a license. So the $150 per year isn't a horrible tax.

Idaho and New Mexico I will continue to try. Cost is low, even though you have to front all of it in New Mexico. Currently a NM resident, so it would be stupid not to apply.

Montana is confusing and a pain in the ass. Same as South Dakota was before they ****** me out of my 5 years worth of points on bison.

I am probably done with raffles as well. I get caught up in the what if and buy tickets for everything. Not one of those assholes has ever called me.

So that's it for 2022:

Wyoming cow elk, and mule deer and if there is leftover doe tags that work during that timeline I'll apply for those as well.

Arizona cash out elk, coues and javelina and make an attempt at Gould's turkey. Winner or not I am done.
Ha I won an African safari right at the time of Ebola. Wife said no after I had enough flyer miles etc for flights. I let it go and did not go.
I have 2 Wyoming and 2 bonus in Montana.
I am going Utah general hunt just to wet my feet and hope for best this yr.
Debating on point in Montana this yr and Wyoming definitely. I’ll keep doing it until I decide to apply.
I won a Texas deer hunt near San Angelo fall of 2020. Same thing. Wifezilla wouldn't let me go.
I am currently at 6 for Wyoming Elk and plan to buy points the next four years and hope to get a tag the following year (first year of retirement). Not going to be happy if it is unlikely to get a tag with 10 years of points.
Lol I got 8 points and am bailing next year for a general partly due to the task force outfitter welfare chatter. Was a general contractor 20 years and there was no welfare offered in my trade. Why outfitters? Oh ya……….


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I imagine he is getting offers to point share for a general elk tag next year if its still possible to draw a gen elk tag with 3 points... If a person was willing to do pay the special price for a tag they could have a really good elk hunt...
Valid proposal!

I'm right there with you, 47yrs old, I have 7 points now, was going to hold out for 10 points and take myself on a "good" hunt for my 50th B-day, from the sounds of these comments, I may need to burn my points sooner!?!
I cashed out my 7 on a Thoroughfare hunt this yr with 3 buddies and we kill 4 nice bulls. I’m thinking about cashing in m 8 deer points next yr on a H or LE late hunt. We will get back into the points game and hope to draw one more time. Is it worth waiting 2 more years to draw G or go into the wilderness in H next yr?

I'm right there with you, 47yrs old, I have 7 points now, was going to hold out for 10 points and take myself on a "good" hunt for my 50th B-day, from the sounds of these comments, I may need to burn my points sooner!?!

It really depends on what your goals are. I'd say in 3 years the GEN tag will be up to 5, and your 10 points will get you into units that you can currently get into with 7 now +/-.

I drew a Gen tag this year, with 5 and passed on a couple units I could have potentially got into. I was surprised how many different Gen units I hunted in my 14 day hunt.

In the end, WY takes research. It was my first time elk hunting up there and I learned a lot, and screwed up a bit as well on dates etc. with other hunters in the field. WY is big, and nobody is giving free lunches these days, prepare yourself.
G and H are more than 2 points apart. It took over 8 points to draw G this year while anything over 4 guaranteed a tag up in H.