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  1. J

    Sold Garmin inreach mini

    Still available?
  2. J

    WTS Stone Glacier Sky Archer 6400 - EXTRAS

    Are you willing to sell some of the accessories individually? If so, I'd be interested in some camp pockets and the load cell bag.
  3. J

    DIY Rifle Attachment to Backpack

    Yes, it's pretty similar. I think the main differences are that the SG sling attaches to the frame and you don't carry the rifle under your arm. The under arm carry is what I like least about the Gunbearer.
  4. J

    DIY Rifle Attachment to Backpack

    I agree that $25 isn't much. But I think I could make it for less than $7 plus it'd be a little side project. Thanks for the info!
  5. J

    DIY Rifle Attachment to Backpack

    Has anybody made a quick-release rifle sling similar to what Stone Glacier makes? I have a pack with an X-Curve frame and think it wouldn't be terribly difficult to make. But I'm wondering if someone has made it before and if all the necessary buckles are easy to purchase...
  6. J

    DIY Sonora Hunt

    Hunting for Sonoran white tails is at the top of my list, and I'd like to save some costs if possible. I speak Spanish, have experience working with Latin American government agencies, and am fairly confident that I can take care of the paperwork/register firearms with their military with enough...
  7. J

    Alpine Blacktails

    How much pressure do the high country bucks experience in your area?
  8. J

    Montana Spring Bear - Cabinet Mountains

    Ok, well let me know if it falls thru
  9. J

    Montana Spring Bear - Cabinet Mountains

    Hey Chaosonezero - I can't directly reply to your InReach Mini post or send a PM because I don't have permissions. They should change on 1/13. I'm interested in buying it, so I wanted to reach out a different way. Can you PM me? Thanks!
  10. J

    DIY chest rig

    Well done!
  11. J

    New stone glacier pack?

    Somebody on here mentioned that they emailed customer service for more info. It sounds like the material is pretty noisy and wouldn't be great for timber sneaking.
  12. J

    Alpine Blacktails

    Good to know re: bucks sticking close to the timber line.
  13. J

    Stone Glacier Terminus - is it durable?

    I recently saw that Stone Glacier released their ultra light pack - the Terminus 7000. 3 lbs 15oz sounds nice, but I wonder if pack durability is compromised. Has anybody got their hands on one of these packs/have an opinion about its durability?
  14. J

    Alpine Blacktails

    Does anybody know when blacktails generally push up into alpine areas? I realize now melt is probably a contributing factor, but I wonder if they gradually follow the snow line as it melts. Planning my 2022 Washington High Buck Hunt
  15. J

    Weighted Pack Recommendations

    Perfect! Thanks for the suggestions
  16. J

    Weighted Pack Recommendations

    I currently use an internal frame backpacking backpack - 80L. I'm going to upgrade to an external frame this year...hoping to purchase one from the Classifieds section.
  17. J

    Best Practices for Making Purchases on the Classified Section

    I'm a new user, and I plan to make some purchases in the Classifieds section in the future. However, it's not clear to me how to ensure someone receives my payment but also sends the item. What's the most common way to make purchases on this site? And how do 3rd party service providers ensure...
  18. J

    Weighted Pack Recommendations

    I'm looking to start training with a weighted pack, mainly climbing stairs and hills. I think ~55lbs is enough to make the ascent difficult but not wear out my knees on the downhill. What has worked well for other people (realizing that not everyone has the same body type)?