Search results

  1. Soonerboy

    Covert cell cams

    Really like Covert, Been using for several years!!
  2. Soonerboy

    Best trail cameras?

    I have Covert cameras, been using them for 10-12 years!!
  3. Soonerboy

    Cell trail cam recommendations

    Covert cameras are what I use, I would give them an A+..
  4. Soonerboy

    Gravity feeder

    Boss feeder 650 Ibs, Is what I use!!
  5. Soonerboy

    Colorado Draw results 2023

    Another year no tag!!!!!
  6. Soonerboy

    Question about Wyoming Elk??

    Also, I will be using a guide!!!
  7. Soonerboy

    Question about Wyoming Elk??

    I will have 14 points next year as non-res. Which unit should I be looking at?? Thanks
  8. Soonerboy

    Sitka fanatic jacket review

    You can't go wrong with Sitka!!