Cancelation Hunt List


Feb 26, 2019
Just wondering how all of you guys that get to go on cancellations hunt get on those lists. i am looking to get on a cancelation list for dall sheep.
Google Cancellation hunts and you should come up with several booking agents that offer this service. You just sign up and they will send you a list of their cancellations. I have used Hunt Nation a few times.
You could also research which outfitters you are interested in going with and putting in a call to them. Most of them will keep a list of potential hunters available in case of cancellation.
Most of the bigger Canadian outfitters send a mass email to their client list. The guys that are always hunting every year or two are usually able to hop on a cancellation easier.

True cancellations are 3-20 days out are hard to get notified for. The only ones that usually represent a discount are cancellations less than 90 days out. With 15 or less days out offering the most discount.
Most of the bigger Canadian outfitters send a mass email to their client list. The guys that are always hunting every year or two are usually able to hop on a cancellation easier.

True cancellations are 3-20 days out are hard to get notified for. The only ones that usually represent a discount are cancellations less than 90 days out. With 15 or less days out offering the most discount.

With my job I can make 1 day notice work so I’m looking for a deep discount while I’m still young and can run up a mountain

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