Colorado Sells More Nonresident Elk Tags than all Seven Western States Combined

Colorado could double the cost of NonRes elk fees and they’d still sell out
I wish they would triple the price, and cut quotas to 1/3. That would make my Deer hunts a lot more peaceful with less Carp fisherman out there……
And the crazy part is the current ruling political regime, with the support of Denver/Boulder, want to remove hunting from wildlife management. And through commission appointments, ballot initiatives, and university centers, they will accomplish this if hunters don’t get more politically active. Hate to say it but hunters need to put more effort in educating voters and fundraising to defeat anti-hunting efforts and less time fighting over who gets what tags.
All the orgs are too busy asking for money and making feel good YouTube videos and attempts at R3 to actually stand up and fight, I’d love if they prove me wrong next year, howl is probably the exception to those
I don’t care how many tags they sell. How many people are actually out there hunting???

And I mean really hunting. Not setting up camp at the local campground but actually getting out there and chasing elk.

My guess is it’s not many.

I’ve been to Colorado 5x in the last 7 yrs. I have bowhunted one of the heaviest pressured units (per CPW stats) and I have seen exactly ONE hunter in the field. One other person. That’s it.

So what gives?
Here’s a great example of your standard squabbling over something that doesn’t matter when there’s a much bigger problem at hand.

Wolves. In 20 years it won’t matter because the Colorado elk population will be a quarter of what it is today.
Agreed, there's some "non-residents" you fellas should be more worried about -- than fighting within the community. And they are 4 legged, not 2. I'm curious to see how long it takes for the grizzlies to get shipped in. If you guys had put effort elsewhere, maybe the 4 legged variety wouldn't be on the way.

I don't think raising the prices will stop it, you guys should push for a cap, but i don't think you have hunters or true stewards of the wildlife in the decision making roles anymore.
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Agreed, there's some "non-residents" you fellas should be more worried about -- than fighting within the community. And they are 4 legged, not 2. I'm curious to see how long it takes for the grizzlies to get shipped in. If you guys had put effort elsewhere, maybe the 4 legged variety wouldn't be on the way.

I don't think raising the prices will stop it, you guys should push for a cap, but i don't think you have hunters or true stewards of the wildlife in the decision making roles anymore.
We don’t have control of anything in this state anymore. I would be more open to grizz since it would clear the back country out and make people realize animals aren’t all about snuggles, the mountain bikers and hikers won’t vote for something that could hurt them though… guess we will find out if/when wolves get prolific enough
Yes it’s true - everyone should only hunt in Colorado. Sad to say, all our Wyoming deer are gone, and our elk are skinny and funny looking. The good news is, in 20 years they might start to recover, so until then we’ll miss you. Stay in touch. Good luck. 😁
That is what I really like about numbers. They never lie. But they can't be manipulated to fit any narrative.

I could write an article with a headline "Co residents dont want more elk tags" and post a graph with several units with NR caps where not enough residents thought it "wasn't worth the points" so NR got a bigger percentage than the original percentage.

Now would I agree colorado needs to do a little more for the residents. Yes, and they are doing that. They already have a cap change coming up for NR.

Figures don’t lie but liars can figure!

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Please enlighten us as to which organization(s) are worth their salt to donate our funds to.

The field is so diluted that none make a difference
I would say HOWL is good one to gather support nationally and really get the word out. I’d start there.

Coloradans for Responsible Wildlife Management is rallying against the lion hunting ban.

Colorado Wildlife Conservation Project is trying to address the issue you highlighted, dilution of hunter’s efforts amongst all the species or method of take specific orgs. CWCP was instrumental in defeating the proposed lion hunting ban in the legislature during 2022 session. They bring all the wildlife conservation orgs together to speak as a coalition.

I completely agree that it is hard to navigate the diverse group of organizations. I expect RMEF, MDF, and BHA (probably others too) will support the campaign to defeat Prop 91 ( lion hunting ban) however they are limited by their charter and tax status.

Hunters do need to put aside their differences and get more active. The anti-hunting contingent is counting on hunters to be apathetic, defeatist, and divided. That being said, I am by no means an expert, just a concerned Colorado hunter. There are others who are much more knowledgeable and have been engaged for much longer in this fight. Would love to hear insight from across the hunting community.
Writing is on the wall (and has been). Last thing to worry about is hunter overcrowding.