Elk Shed Whitening


Jul 22, 2019
My son found a nice pair of 6x6 sheds while turkey hunting this spring. The bull dropped them both in a neat pile. We are going to mount them on the wall... but as it turns out one was sunny side up and the other sunny side down (and based on the sun-bleaching, they were out for at least a whole year, and possibly two). For purely aesthetic reasons, we're looking to whiten the one antler that's still pretty brown on the front side to match the one that's bleached on the front side. From what I have read, actual Chlorine bleach is a no-no, but hydrogen peroxide might be the ticket? Anyone have experience in these matters? Thanks!
Go down to the local hair salon supply and get some 40% peroxide.
I'll give that a try! Thanks. Now I just need to find a local hair salon supply shop... not a place of business I have bookmarked!
If it were me, as long as the horn isn’t chalky white with cracks and such, I would try to turn to the white antler brown. There are a couple different ways of doing it, but would likely require more effort than bleaching the brown antler white. But, if white is the route you want to go, I’d scrub it down with a scotch pad to remove any pitch or any other gunk that’s on the antler and hit it with volume 40 as stated above.
I’d hit them both with some wood stain. Brush it on, let sit a minute, wipe it off. Repeat until they are as dark as you want.
My son found a nice pair of 6x6 sheds while turkey hunting this spring. The bull dropped them both in a neat pile. We are going to mount them on the wall... but as it turns out one was sunny side up and the other sunny side down (and based on the sun-bleaching, they were out for at least a whole year, and possibly two). For purely aesthetic reasons, we're looking to whiten the one antler that's still pretty brown on the front side to match the one that's bleached on the front side. From what I have read, actual Chlorine bleach is a no-no, but hydrogen peroxide might be the ticket? Anyone have experience in these matters? Thanks!
Touch up with brown stain worked great on mine last year!!
Normally, I'd want to go brown. But these are going to be mounted on a dark gray wall, so the white will make them stand out. Thanks all!
Put it out in the sun, the peroxide will do the job though. You won;t need the 40 volume though.