Favorite Bino Harness?

Crazy Coot

Aug 27, 2021
I'm looking for a bino harness and I'm really not sure which one to go with. What do you all recommend?
I do like bino harnesses. They are nice when its snowing or you’re crawling over deadfall to keep your binos close and clean.

My binos are Cabela’s Euro 10x42 for reference.

My first was a generic zipper type from Academy. The zipper was a pain. Second was a Badlands with a magnet type closure. It worked well but only held binos. Third and present iteration is the Alaskan Guide Classic. It holds my range finder and wind check also. I like it and would recommend it over the other two.
Alaska guide creations if you need to carry extra stuff. I use mine for camera gear when I’m doing photo work. Hunting, I like less bulk and use a marsupial gear.
I've used FHF & AGC (Alaska Classic).
Both are good. I don't change gear as much as some here so I still have those two ,both probably manufactured 5+ yrs ago. If I were buying now or replacing I'd look at the new AGC (front opener, I think is called Mavis) and Marsupial.
I have tried and own a few. Right now I have a SG, FHF, and the new mystery ranch. I think the current MR just came out. Sportsmans had them for like $70. It opens front (away from you) and has magnets on top to keep closed and bottom to keep open. Fleece type lining on the inside and the magnets are quiet. I ended up putting a Marsupial harness on it because I hate harnesses with the big back panel.
I’ve tried them all and the Alaska Guide Creations Cub w/max pocket has been the best for me. Everything contained in one simple pack. Can’t stand having a wide spread across my chest like all the other bino harnesses that require extra side wing pockets for my range finder and GPS. Their too bulky and hot on my chest.

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Marsupial enclosed for this guy, does everything I think it should do and has excellent craftsmanship
I don’t know if it even matters but I do like the waterproof feature of the Kuiu over my marsupial but can’t see how it matters for the glass though.