Hart Mountain ram-Part 1


Apr 27, 2012
Finally got back from my hunt down at Hart Mountain, in south central Oregon. While my actual hunt was quite short, just one long day, the preparation more than made up for it! I did a scouting trip at the beginning of August to get my bearings and find some sheep.



Returning a few days before the opener, found this group.

There are actually 5 total and I decided that the top one would be coming home with me if I could find him on the weekend. That night the smoke rolled in.


It was quite thick, making it hard to breathe, so I was really hoping it would clear out by the weekend. Fortunately, it did.

Friday, the day before the opener came quickly. I hadn't seen the group of 5 the day before and couldn't find them in the morning. Late in the afternoon, while glassing the next canyon south, I found sheep.


They were too far away to tell if they were the same one's but I figured it was worth the hike to find out if we couldn't find them in the morning. My dad and brother had both arrived, dad to keep camp and my brother to accompany me on the hunt. It was great to have the extra eyes and legs!