Idaho unit 39 first time hunting the west


Dec 22, 2022
Hey guys,

First time getting a tag out west. I’ve spent all my life in Wisconsin chasing trophy whitetails on private land. So this will be something totally new for me. I have a buddy that lives in Idaho that I’m going with. I’m pretty pumped to finally get a chance! Here’s my list of things I have written down for gear. Anything else you’d recommend for a necessity or a luxury? Also my buddy has a camper that we’re going to pull out and use for base camp.

Rifle (thinking a 300wsm barrel for my TL2)


Frame pack and hydration bladder X

Caribou game bags

Tripod X

Binos X

Spotter X

Range finder X

Kestrel X

Knives X

Flashlights X

Headlamp X

Hunting clothes X

Boots X

Coolers X
That’s a heavily hunted unit. If you are willing to put some boot miles on, you should have some opportunities. Good glass will be key.
Nice to already have a camper in Idaho vs. having to pull it out there. You might talk through with your buddy the possibility of a spike camp if you needed/wanted to. You don't have to get elaborate but maybe some kind of shelter split between the two of you. Once you find some deer it's nice to at least have the option to stay on them. Good luck.
Luxury item I’d add would be something like a Rab Siltarp. Weighs like 8 Oz. And can be used as a glassing shelter, emergency shelter, a place put meat while quartering up a deer, a ground cloth if you decide to spike out.

Not sure if the x on your list indicates you already have an item or that you want suggestions on which binos or tripod etc. to get.
Luxury item I’d add would be something like a Rab Siltarp. Weighs like 8 Oz. And can be used as a glassing shelter, emergency shelter, a place put meat while quartering up a deer, a ground cloth if you decide to spike out.

Not sure if the x on your list indicates you already have an item or that you want suggestions on which binos or tripod etc. to get.
The X are the gear I already have.
Nice to already have a camper in Idaho vs. having to pull it out there. You might talk through with your buddy the possibility of a spike camp if you needed/wanted to. You don't have to get elaborate but maybe some kind of shelter split between the two of you. Once you find some deer it's nice to at least have the option to stay on them. Good luck.
Yeah we plan to take tents and hammocks incase we get on deer and decide to setup up shop out there by them
Nice to already have a camper in Idaho vs. having to pull it out there. You might talk through with your buddy the possibility of a spike camp if you needed/wanted to. You don't have to get elaborate but maybe some kind of shelter split between the two of you. Once you find some deer it's nice to at least have the option to stay on them. Good luck.
Yeah we plan to take tents and hammocks incase we get on deer and decide to setup up shop out there by them
Check the weather report just before you leave, and pack clothing appropriate for the anticipated weather as well as some variation. The weather during rifle season can range from sunny with temps in the 70s to approaching zero with a foot or more of snow. There was a pretty drastic turn this year, all within a 24 hr period.
Check the weather report just before you leave, and pack clothing appropriate for the anticipated weather as well as some variation. The weather during rifle season can range from sunny with temps in the 70s to approaching zero with a foot or more of snow. There was a pretty drastic turn this year, all within a 24 hr period.
Sounds just like Wisconsin 🤣 we just got 18” of snow here. It’s -40 and next week it’s gonna be 42 and raining 🤣. But yeah I plan to take all my hunting clothing. I hunt predators all winter so I have warm and cold weather gear. Mostly all real tree stuff. I was going to buy something that’s a little better for the western mountain region as far as pattern maybe. Idk if really matters tbh, especially rifle hunting
I'm always a bit dumbfounded when non-residents choose Unit 39 for their out of state hunt. If I'm coming from across the country, and paying non-resident prices, no way I'm choosing the unit that gets the most pressure in the entire state. This unit has a heavy road and trail system and can be difficult to hunt come October due to warm temperatures.

I'd recommend bringing a wide brimmed hat for your glassing sessions. This unit can be in the 70s in October and the lack of shade can really drain you if you don't have sunglasses or a hat to save you.
I'm always a bit dumbfounded when non-residents choose Unit 39 for their out of state hunt. If I'm coming from across the country, and paying non-resident prices, no way I'm choosing the unit that gets the most pressure in the entire state. This unit has a heavy road and trail system and can be difficult to hunt come October due to warm temperatures.

I'd recommend bringing a wide brimmed hat for your glassing sessions. This unit can be in the 70s in October and the lack of shade can really drain you if you don't have sunglasses or a hat to save you.
I’ve been trying to get an elk tag in Idaho for 3 years. This was one of the only tags left when I got my chance in the que and it was close enough to my buddy that lives there and he’s hunted that unit a few times. I’d rather take 39 over not hunting at all
Wait did you get an elk tag or deer tag?

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Deer. I was trying to get an archery elk tag. But the OTC purchasing process is a cluster ****. Their website was crashed for hours. By the time I was able to login I was like 54k in line to buy a tag
Deer. I was trying to get an archery elk tag. But the OTC purchasing process is a cluster ****. Their website was crashed for hours. By the time I was able to login I was like 54k in line to buy a tag

Well, I wish I had better things to tell you but this past season there were lots of spikes and forks and does, and by next season I would not expect great hunting because we are getting hammered with one winter storm after another this year. Big bucks will be even tougher to come by in that country next year and for many years to come I’m guessing

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Well, I wish I had better things to tell you but this past season there were lots of spikes and forks and does, and by next season I would not expect great hunting because we are getting hammered with one winter storm after another this year. Big bucks will be even tougher to come by in that country next year and for many years to come I’m guessing
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The hiking, views and few weeks in the mountains will be worth the trip either way
I'm always a bit dumbfounded when non-residents choose Unit 39 for their out of state hunt. If I'm coming from across the country, and paying non-resident prices, no way I'm choosing the unit that gets the most pressure in the entire state. This unit has a heavy road and trail system and can be difficult to hunt come October due to warm temperatures.

I'd recommend bringing a wide brimmed hat for your glassing sessions. This unit can be in the 70s in October and the lack of shade can really drain you if you don't have sunglasses or a hat to save you.
unit 39 is a incredibly large unit. if you are willing to hike and stay out in the boonies for three four days at a time it is possible to avoid the day/spike hunting crowds and get into healthy numbers of animals or maybe even a trophy. I know of quite a few dudes that consistently drag 170+ deer out of 39 but none of them do so without scouting and an almost unusual amount of work. you gotta believe it before you see it sometimes