Ideas for staying awake while driving solo

An interesting podcast usually makes the time go by fast for me. When I start to feel too tired I like to slam some caffeine right before taking a 20 minute nap. It's amazing how well that works sometimes.
Throw a new, really soft toothbrush in your glove compartment and when you get sick of seeds and chew, grab the toothbrush. It’s a nice break from all the crap we use to normally stay awake.
if you have any friends in odd timezones call and converse with them. I drove 21 hours straight from SE BC to San Jose, CA and spent hours on the phone. The last call was to a buddy in HI.
Grab some nose hairs and pull em out

I avoid consuming any sugar to avoid that crash, I will grind a drive in the daytime but not after dark anymore, not worth it!

Typically leave a couple hrs before sunrise and drive until dark, if I am doing ok I keep going but stop pretty quick when I start feeling it!

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The only time I drove all night was back in the mid 90's. I went through a gallon of coffee through that all night drive. Left Monterey, CA at noon to get to Aspen the next morning for a volleyball tourney. I got to Carbondale at 6am and realized that my buddies would definitely not be up yet in Aspen. So I stopped to fly fish for a bit on the Roaring Fork, and then finished the last 30-40 min drive to Aspen. Then played volleyball all day, and crashed that night. I prefer to leave about 3am for those 12+ hour drives. That way, most of my tired time is daytime, and I just don't feel it that much during daylight. All-night drives blow.
Salt and pepper seeds, Monsters, mixed in with 20 min naps as needed. Do yourself (and everyone else on the road) a favor and nap when you need to.
  • Engaging and very entertaining book on tape (audiobook for the youngsters)
  • Caffeine BEFORE I get tired as very hard to "catch up".
  • Hand towel with plenty of water to wipe on my face and arms. Perks me right up.
  • Stop as needed to stretch and refresh.
  • Be prepped for catnaps on side of road if needed.
I use to get off work around 5 on a Friday and drive through the night to Omaha to visit my wife's folks. 16-17 hrs of straight driving. Nos, coffee, Copenhagen, podcasts, and music would keep me awake. Now that we have kids we stop half way and stay in a hotel. Way more enjoyable and safe. Copenhagen and coffee still keep me going though.
Sunflower seeds

Get the salt less ones or 50% less salt ones from so you don’t test your mouth up

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In an 18-20 hr trip, I am not sure which is worse. The wore out eyes and back or the dead butt from sitting. A partner can make a big differance by giving a break by switch hitting or carry on a vigerous discussion. Scheduled rest stops help. I have made that run from Minn to west Montana a number of times. As you get older it gets tougher to find a place to pee in Nodak along 94 in a blizzard. However you are wide awake when you get back in the car.
I need everybody’s special hacks for staying awake while driving at night. I’m leaving at 7pm and driving through the night for 10 hours.
So far sunflower seeds are my go to.
Make sure you drink at least a bottle of water between stops.

Stop at least every 200 miles. More often at the end of the trip if required. If you do caffeine and candy, get one of each and a bottle of water at each stop. Don't eat fast foods.

Unless you have an iron stomach, there is too much chance to get a bad meal that will make you miserable.

If you are in a group of vehicles that drive like idiots, stop and take a break. Watching out of for them will make you more tired.

Stop when you get sleepy and take a nap. Even a few minutes will help a lot. I prefer truck stops. They aren't quiet enough to make you fall into a deep sleep.
Surprised by all the nicotine users.

I do cat naps when needed. 30-45 mins does wonders. Not worth waking up dead.
Definitely sunflower seeds. I prefer black pepper. White monster energy drinks, a Dr. Pepper fountain drink to slowly sip on between cheeks full of sunflower seeds. Chewing gum, peanut M&M’s, peanut butter M&M’s, baked Jalepeno chips, hot fry chips. Good music to rock out to. Podcasts put me right to sleep and so do audiobooks. Or, the best one yet, have a couple of kids in the backseat that constantly fight, cry, wine, or tell you every 30 minutes they have to go to the bathroom.