Kifaru Multicam Discontinued?

Im stating the obvious but slap some hunter orange on the pack if things are that wild in your woods!!

Personally I love the two tone Kifaru has switched to. And they look great with multicam and highlander accessories.

I would really like to see Kifaru stock accessories in several of the new camo patterns and have them actually match. Offer shoulder straps, lids, water bottle holder and pouches in any camo pattern. That will be enough to give a custom look to a pack and be different then all other pack makers. KEEP DOING WHAT GO YOU TO THE DANCE!!!

KIFARU if you’re listening, offer a custom order option in dozens of todays top camo patterns. Take all the lead time you need and pass the licensing fees onto the customer.

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I like this idea
Kenneth you guys are sold out of all frames and most bags. Any ideas on when things will get re stocked?
Guess I should have kept all those mc bags Ive sold the last few years. Aaannndd sold them for a premium next year. Hind sight…20/20…
I am new to forum so have a grace period before i can sell. But when i can i have hoodlum ....stryker xl and multiple pockets in mc i will have to sell in order to go RG. Cant be seen in woods with mismatched pockets and bags!
I’ll be one of those mismatched peeps looking foolish with a MC bag and RG pockets. Got a hoodlum MC on discount before the outsourcing to Black Ovis. I haven’t figured out if I like the MC look yet. I hope there is a continued development of camo patterns tho. I like highlander and would totally pay crap load for something in kuiu vias. Not a fan of the FL fusion on a pack.
Change has also killed many companies. Take JAX beer, from the Jackson Brewing CO in New Orleans. Was about the, if not the, cheapest beer in the store. Main drinkers were lower income, maybe less educated folks. The company had this wild idea to change the name, big promotional campaign,
etc. Name was changed to Fabacher. You guessed it, the long time clientele could’nt pronounce it. Sales plummeted, and the Jackson Brewery is history.
Don't even start with me about Dixie ... : (