Kuiu Proximity Review


May 18, 2013
Any more opinions on the wind proofness/insulating of the jacket? Provided you had any cold weather.

Hey Tim, I’m two seasons in with my Proximity set now and I absolutely love it. I’ve had mine down below freezing and up into 60s, and for me it manages temperatures changes very well. It’s not 100% windproof in the sense that I can blow air through it if I try, but it’s very restrictive. I have not yet felt wind come through it in the field.

Most important to me, I’ve filled two buck tags with both deer inside of 15yds. Neither one heard me draw, noticed me above them, or smelled me. I think that’s a great testament to the quietness, camo, and scent control of the Proximity set.

I ended up ordering the Proximity Balaclava and Hand Muff this year and enjoy both of those pieces as well. Overall this set has been a home run for me for Midwest Whitetail hunting.
