Looking for information in Nevada 072

Jordan guyer

Dec 4, 2012
Sheridan WY
Not looking for specific areas. Looking for information such as condition of the unit drought wise, any recent wildfires, age class I could expect to see, and elevation i should concentrate on for a mid October hun. Any other information you guys would like to share would be great thanks. Would also trade information on Western wyoming

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Apr 29, 2015
Northern Nevada
Did you draw a deer or elk tag? I will be going out this summer and scouting for elk. I never mind passing on info. I know its near impossible to get out and scout when you are out of state.

Jordan guyer

Dec 4, 2012
Sheridan WY
Did you draw a deer or elk tag? I will be going out this summer and scouting for elk. I never mind passing on info. I know its near impossible to get out and scout when you are out of state.
I will be hunting mule deer

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robby denning

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
SE Idaho
I've scouted 7 a few times. Everybody looks at the Jarbridge Wilderness in 72 and I wouldn't steer you away from it, just know that it's not all deer country in there (lots of elk and goat habitat) and you need to find the pockets of deer country back in there, and there maybe more hunters than you'd guess in there. Just depends on who drew the tags.

Like most of the West, don't rule out the lower country either. One of the best bucks (180-190 gross) I've seen in 7 was living in lower sagebrush country pretty darn close to a road. A few Mexican guys working some ag nearby knew he was there but the tagholders just drove right by him headed for the peaks. Water availability is the key in these lower areas. Some places there is no water.

Most of the bucks during mid-October are fairly close to where they summered although I do understand that there is a migration from the southern end of Area 7 Pequops mtns that starts deer moving north. A local could better identify the timing of that migration.

I guess all I'm saying is don't get to hyperfocused on the high stuff unless you just know a good spot and aren't bumping into a bunch of guys. Nevada takes good care of their deer and there are more than few older age class 4-9 year old bucks to be had.

Best of luck, good tag to have.

Jordan guyer

Dec 4, 2012
Sheridan WY
I've scouted 7 a few times. Everybody looks at the Jarbridge Wilderness in 72 and I wouldn't steer you away from it, just know that it's not all deer country in there (lots of elk and goat habitat) and you need to find the pockets of deer country back in there, and there maybe more hunters than you'd guess in there. Just depends on who drew the tags.

Like most of the West, don't rule out the lower country either. One of the best bucks (180-190 gross) I've seen in 7 was living in lower sagebrush country pretty darn close to a road. A few Mexican guys working some ag nearby knew he was there but the tagholders just drove right by him headed for the peaks. Water availability is the key in these lower areas. Some places there is no water.

Most of the bucks during mid-October are fairly close to where they summered although I do understand that there is a migration from the southern end of Area 7 Pequops mtns that starts deer moving north. A local could better identify the timing of that migration.

I guess all I'm saying is don't get to hyperfocused on the high stuff unless you just know a good spot and aren't bumping into a bunch of guys. Nevada takes good care of their deer and there are more than few older age class 4-9 year old bucks to be had.

Best of luck, good tag to have.
Thanks Robby, I just recently bought your book so hopefully it will help me find those pockets

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May 30, 2016
I as well drew a unit 7e tag. Not sure what to expect.. I know there are some great bucks in there. Wondering how the stuff in the other units produces? Like 74-76? I know water is key, just looking for some info from people that have hunted it. Pics of people that have harvested anything? Success rate of 25%... should produce I hope!