New from Sweden

Oct 10, 2016
Well, thats not really true, I LIVE in Sweden but am from the States originally. Brand new here, been lurking for several months have learned a TON. I am a long time back packer / outdoor enthusiast / mediocre fly fisherman, but brand new to the hunting world. I bought my first bow a couple of months ago and have been shooting almost everyday. As bowhunting is ILLEGAL (yes, you read that right) where i live, it is very difficult to find reliable information on the subject where I live other than the handful of people who live here and maybe have the chance for two guided hunts / year in other countries.

Bowhunting, as a subject has changed my life, and I haven't even been on my first hunt yet. It has given me a constructive hobby (shooting the bow), changed my lifestyle (taking care of myself and getting into shape) and something to read/learn/obsess over as I prepare myself to achieve my dream of returning to the states at least once per year to hunt and gain knowledge/experience to actively help promote bowhunting in this country so we can *hopefully* some day make it legal.

There is a strong hunting culture here in Sweden, but it is not as appealing to me as what you all discuss here on rokslide, esp. including backcountry hunting. Bows are seen as toys or rather, relics from the stone age and an inhumane way to harvest. But public opinion can change, it just takes time and effort.

Anyways, that is a bit about me and where I am coming from, what I am hoping to achieve. I hope to continue to learn from the centuries of combined experience and knowledge present here at rokslide!

-Sverimerica (means: Sverige (sweden) + America = sverimerica...cheesy, I know)
Great to have you on here and I love your reasons for adopting the bow hunting lifestyle. You'll be an asset to Rokslide and probably Sweden in the long run. Keep us posted on your progress and adventure.
FYI Jared Bloomgren is one of our staff writers and pretty much does all the steps of selecting to tuning to hunting with his bow. I think he and his articles on our archery page could give you the skills and confidence needed to handle a bow set up by yourself. You could become a true expert in fact compared to guys like me who just have the proshop do everything. I'm pretty helpless on the mountain if there's a problem haha. Also check out Shaun Smiths article on here "Backcountry proofing your bow"
Welcome. Thank you for taking up bow hunting cause in Sweden hope you get the opportunity there soon

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I'm sure the French who were slaughtered at Crecy and Agincourt all thought the bow was a stone age weapon too-not capable of inflicting anything more than a painful sting........or not. Sweden's a beautiful country alright, especially the forests. And the Nordic skiing...well, what can i say?
Great to have you on here and I love your reasons for adopting the bow hunting lifestyle. You'll be an asset to Rokslide and probably Sweden in the long run. Keep us posted on your progress and adventure.
FYI Jared Bloomgren is one of our staff writers and pretty much does all the steps of selecting to tuning to hunting with his bow. I think he and his articles on our archery page could give you the skills and confidence needed to handle a bow set up by yourself. You could become a true expert in fact compared to guys like me who just have the proshop do everything. I'm pretty helpless on the mountain if there's a problem haha. Also check out Shaun Smiths article on here "Backcountry proofing your bow"
I will check those out tonight thanks for the info!

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where were you from in the States? I have a cousin who moved to Sweden 30 years ago - of course a woman was involved.