Pull-up Bars


Feb 29, 2012
Does anybody have any recommendations for a pull-up bar for my house? I'm looking for one to swing into the door frame , but I don't know if they are worth it. I do have room in the garage to mount one to the ceiling if anyone knows if a good brand/type.
Thanks guys,
stud bar (studbarpullup)... bomb proof, absolutely rock solid, easy ceiling mounted. can take the mankiest kip from the heaviest dude. never was a fan of the door frame ones and i like having my bar high. had mine for years, well loved, still looks new.....
The door frame one i have is GREAT! I do agree it leaves you a little lower but it holds me doing pushups and pull ups on it no problem and im small... So when i was in college i let my roommate try it. He was 6 3 or bigger and every bit of 200 plus of solid muscle i told him to hang and bounce on it and the thing didnt do anything but move a tiny bit at the bolts. Ive had it since at least 07 possibly earlier..... My kenyan roommate is only 1 of probably 30 people to use it so i wouldnt hesitate to get one!
I have had a door frame one for years now. Holds my big ass(220). My kids abuse the shart out of it. On and off in seconds.

"Got it on sale at Target, its real nice." RB
So the door mount ones don't leave rub marks or drop when you're half way up? That's probably the reason I wouldn't want to use one.
Mine left a tiny black mark where the ends ride but thats after years and you can touch it up with a small dab and not even tell....
i've had problems with door mounted, but that said they were probably on the cheap end of the spectrum. sounds like there are alot of good options if one were inclined. i dislike the width limitations and height limitations of door mounts, and would be hesitant to try a weighted pullup on one, but it boils down to your wants and needs in a pull up bar. the ceiling mount also allows for rings, which i really enjoy....
Another vote for the Stud Bar. I have had mine mounted to the ceiling joists in my garage for the last seven years and it still looks brand new and feels rock solid.
The Stud Bars look great, but are pretty pricey. I was at Sport Chalet today and ended up picking up a door mount bar for $30. Works good so far. I think I will eventually have someone make me a bar that I can hang in the garage that will be similar to the Stud Bar.
Thanks for the input guys!
I have the stud bar and it is super solid. It's nice because you can kip, do toes-to-bar, or hang rings from it for dips. The door mounted ones are easy and affordable, but they pretty much limit you to strict pullups.