Rate this Pronghorn


Sep 13, 2021
I literally put in for a pronghorn tag yesterday. Today while testing reloads for this fall this guy walks across my range. Maybe its a sign its finally my year to draw and harvest I know the photos are crappy but I was using my phone off hand. The best photos were when he walked up to about 100 yards from me. Anyway, I've been putting in for a doe hunt the last 5 years and have yet to draw. Therefore, I haven't spent much time learning about the bucks. Is he a decent buck? What should I be looking for?


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I would give it a grade of a B-

A big one will have the prongs higher than the ears. The tips would curl down more- heart shape. Ivory on the tips also shows. Needs more mass.

It’s a lot better than my first pronghorn though! If it gets you excited shoot it.
Good cutters but mass and length are not there. He won’t score well, but I’m a shoot what makes you happy kinda guy when it comes to pronghorn

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Depends on where you're hunting. From what I understand most of the pronghorn units that typically produce the largest bucks got hammered by the winter so a live buck in many units in Wyoming may be a shooter this year. In my opinion he's a low 70's antelope but it's hard to tell with the pictures provided. He wouldn't be a shooter for me but it depends on how many you've taken and what size.
If he makes you happy then shoot that trophy, if not pass him and find one that tickles your fancy! Not sure what the quality is in your area but he’s definitely better than my first and second lope! Don’t worry about what others think. The hunt is yours, enjoy it no matter what size animal your after!
Yep, he would eat good. Big horns are nice but a steak on the grill is better. My first goat was a bit taller he filled the ticket well, His head now graces my wall. It was exactly what I was looking for a nice, represented animal of the species. Book animals are nice but not everyone is a big horn hunter, with this year's season if your happy with him dust him.
Thanks for all the responses. For reference, he's in a unit that only has ~10 tags a year and is almost entirely private. So, I'll likely never get the chance to legally pull the trigger on him. However, getting within 100 yards and getting others opinions is giving me insight for the future. I also noticed a couple people talking about the "heart"of horns curling back in. his horns did curl inwards a tad at the tips but they were to small to show up on camera. This year I put in for a doe tag again so maybe I'll draw and get to study some bucks again.
While probably a 5 outta 10 I may would let him mature. If you know there are low draw numbers in his area and it’s mostly private. That way when you do draw that buck tag hopefully he’s still around and ya whack him.
Of course I am all about the groceries so the devil on my shoulder says smoke em if ya got em
Depends what you're looking for. Definitely nicer than my first buck! Lacking height for sure, but has some decent prongs. They all taste great if handled appropriately