
Sep 20, 2012
Idaho Panhandle
First, I know this pic looks like and oil painting but I assure you it is real.
New to the camera era and not sure why the pictures turned out like this.
My hunting buddy and I have been chasing a few different bulls for the last three years. They end up each year in the same spots and judging the bugles they are indeed the same bull each year. One in particular we have tried to get many times. However he chooses to live in a spot that is almost impossible to put a play on, Extremely thick (even by north Idaho standards!) ridge top that seems to have a wind that blows 360degrees all the time! We decided that if we were never going to be able to shoot this bull that we at least wanted to see what he looked like.
So we put up a camera in June. Lots of elk pics along with a few wolves, moose, whitetail, muleys, bears and a bobcat. This guy comes in a few times in velvet. This pic doesn't show it but the 5th on both sides have about 3" kickers coming off the back making him a 7 X 7
so... you want a guess on a score when we cant even see all the points? hahah. From what I see there I would guess the left side is way smaller than the right and it would be in the 300-310 range is all. If it has kickers... ill add 10 inches benefit of the doubt, for 310-320 range. Who know maybe I am way off.

I would guess even a little smaller. It's in velvet so it will lose a little size once it sheds. I think it's a 280-290" bull. I could be way off as well
Steve, I think that one is a little too small for a hunter of your should however call that one in for your buddy!
no need to be nice, I'm not looking for him to be bigger than he is. I have not shot a 300 class bull and thought he might go in that range.
May have a differently perspective of this guy, we'll see if we can find that pic. Downside to putting camera out in June and checking it late Aug is 2000 pictures to sort through. lol Good luck with that part Mike
Mike, pretty sure he was within 15' of you last year :) and I would love for you to shoot this bull!!! I have no issue with one of the others for myself