Short quotes that speak volumes.

First we learn that doing the right thing is always doing the right thing... then we realize that doing the right thing is not always doing the right thing.

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I like brief quotes that encapsulate much wisdom in a few words. This world is full of too many folks that talk a great deal but say very little. On the other hand we have plenty of people that seem to be intently listening but truly hear very little. I suspect both groups suffer due to excessive human noise disguised as conversation.

I find that a short powerful phrase can be much more meaningful and thought provoking than an avalanche of words which carry no significance.

Tell me some of your favorite quotes-here is one of mine.

Falling down is an accident, staying down is a choice.
~~ Guddu Vivan
However much money you make, it will never be enough.
- My Father
“If you wait till the last minute it only takes a minute”
“Looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck”
If you don't have time to do it right the first time when will you have the time

Life's a garden, dig it... Joe Dirt