Stretching/yoga routine


Jan 29, 2013
Ellison Bay, WI
Hey guys,

I am currently in a strength cycle for the next 6 weeks or so 3 days/wk with a day of hiking or running mixed in. After the six weeks I will move to 2 strength days to cardio/conditioning days. I am gearing up for a 12 day Brooks range sheep and caribou float and backpack hunt(sheep for my brother in law, caribou for me). I am 31 and have always been fairly flexible but I can feel that tightening up a bit the last 5 yrs or so.

Does anyone have recommendations for a stretching routine I could do on one or two of my off days? Thinking something around 15-20 min preferably with a YouTube video I can follow at first. I have done a fair amount of searching but have struggled to find the balance between all out yoga at 30min+ and just old school sitting on the ground grabbing a foot.

Looking especially to stretch out legs, hips and low back from progressively heavy barbell exercises and hikes/runs.

Thanks for any input!!

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Check out DDP Yoga. Touted as Yoga for people who wouldn’t be caught dead doing yoga. May come off as a bit corny, but since I’ve started doing it I’ve cut my chiropractic visits from bi monthly to about 2 a year. It does keep me more flexible. He has DVDs or an online subscriptive program. Probably more than you want with your current training but I don’t know of any online or YouTube freebies.
I've had some good luck following the yoga/stretching exercises on FitnessBlender. They have a youtube channel with a variety of exercise & stretching videos of different lengths & intensities. Easiest to search on the FitnessBlender website.
Hope this helps.
One thing you might look into is more prehab style exercises to go with basic stretching. Stuff like Indian clubs, steel maces, Kettlebells, etc. You can use them for warmups as well. Check out a few of these: MobilityWOD, The PreHab guys, Onnit Academy
Check out DDP Yoga. Touted as Yoga for people who wouldn’t be caught dead doing yoga. May come off as a bit corny, but since I’ve started doing it I’ve cut my chiropractic visits from bi monthly to about 2 a year. It does keep me more flexible. He has DVDs or an online subscriptive program. Probably more than you want with your current training but I don’t know of any online or YouTube freebies.

I have a buddy who swears by ddp yoga too. Says it has helped his back pain tremendously. Do you do anything thing else with it or just exclusively do ddp yoga?
Search Golden routine on YouTube he has a stretching and mobility follow along
I have a buddy who swears by ddp yoga too. Says it has helped his back pain tremendously. Do you do anything thing else with it or just exclusively do ddp yoga?
Search Golden routine on YouTube he has a stretching and mobility follow along

I run/hike as well. That's partly what got me into DDP. I was having ham and IT band problems and felt I was getting out of balance. Much tighter on my whole right side than the left. The yoga thing has returned a lot of balance to my body. Not much into the weights, although I should be, but if you get advanced enough there is some strength training with DDP as well. I'm not quite there yet ;-).
Has Yoga helped any of you with Shin splints? side hilling for multiple days has gotten to me in the past, and I am looking for ways to do more in the off season. I notice the issue most right now if I snow ski multiple days in a row. I ski 40 days plus a year, but if I ski hard I notice shin splint like symptoms on Day 2 and 3 of a ski trip or long weekend. This just came about from skiing this year and is probably an outcome of skiing harder and getting older and need of stretching. I haven't found the right stretching for this shin/calf issues.
I always say I’m going to start doing yoga, or even just stretching. Then I talk myself out of it because non of the other predators like lions or wolves stretch.
I always say I’m going to start doing yoga, or even just stretching. Then I talk myself out of it because non of the other predators like lions or wolves stretch.

I've always been pretty flexible, so I never stretch anymore. The odd thing is.......the only times I ever have gotten pulled muscles or injuries was after stretching. When I forego the stretching routines, I'm fine.
I've always been pretty flexible, so I never stretch anymore. The odd thing is.......the only times I ever have gotten pulled muscles or injuries was after stretching. When I forego the stretching routines, I'm fine.

Me too, until I hit the half century mark. Things change :-(
I'm almost 53.......and still going strong.

Keep on doin' what our doin' then!!

I got 5 years on you and don't plan on quittin' any time soon, but I do have to be way more diligent than I used to about keeping things lubed and balanced.
Yoga with Adrianne (sp?) on YouTube is who I follow. She has multiple playlists of varying lengths and styles of yoga routines. She explains the positions, where you should be, where you could be, and where you can be if you aren't flexible. If you're looking for that 15-20 minute stretching routine, I would look at her 25-30 minute videos, as she takes a solid 5 minutes to cool down at the end of her videos...which is nice as it gives you a solid reset to your day.
I will say that I try to take a hot bath at least once a week. I also use a foam roller a couple times throughout the week and it seems to work.

I think the biggest issue I’ve seen as I get older is the amount of “rest” time I give myself. If I take more than a day off I get extremely sore and everything aches. If I stay active it sure seems to help.
Thanks for all the replies! I have been looking through and trying a few out and will report back on what I settle in on.

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I will say that I try to take a hot bath at least once a week. I also use a foam roller a couple times throughout the week and it seems to work.

I think the biggest issue I’ve seen as I get older is the amount of “rest” time I give myself. If I take more than a day off I get extremely sore and everything aches. If I stay active it sure seems to help.

Could very well be that your diet, or diet after working out, needs some tweaking. I say that because generally as you age, you need more time to rest, and recovery becomes more fine tuned than when you were 18.
Plus 1 on the DDP, a friend is an instructor, recommended the program. comes up fishing every summer to get my back working again.


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