Testosterone Replacement Therapy has anyone tried this?


Jul 26, 2012
It's a discussed topic here in my area. I'm not big on supplements and additives. Little paranoid. I'm very health conscious and train and eat well. I do drink a couple of beers and have a burger every now and then. Have to live a little. Just wondering if this has been brought up in conversations? Mentioned a few times here at work and the gym.

Warning Issued For Men Being Treated For Low Testosterone << CBS Pittsburgh


Jun 12, 2012
Piedmont, SD
Probably a bunch of guys at you gym "trying it." They are usually pretty easy to pick out.
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May 6, 2012
Seems to me, this could be just as related to the additional medicines he was taking rather than just the gel IMO. I have never taken it.


Feb 28, 2012
I was getting t shots for about 3 months but my PSA went through the roof. The urologist advised against any further treatments. There are those who think it can increase the risk of cancer dramatically.

Kind of a long story but was going through a divorce at the time. Many of my symptoms may have been just depression. Irritabilty, weight gain, low libido etc. So I figured I'd give them a try. The shots made me feel like superman; Strong as hell, lots of energy but I really don't want cancer so I quit. A friend of mine was using the cream but I'm just too chicken $hit for that.

Since then I just started working out and getting off of the couch. Lost 50 pounds. Started running and working out. I feel better than I've felt in 15-20 years. I feel way better than I did on the shots. To me it's not worth the risk.

I'm not sure how you guys think you'd "spot" a guy at the gym using t shots. It's not HGH or something. FWIW I didn't watch the video. I assume it's just a bunch of possible side effect stuff.
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Mar 18, 2012
Tulsa, OK
I did this when fatter and out of shape. I then learned that it greatly increased your chance of other health issues such as prostrate cancer. I dropped it. Being in shape is the way to go. If you have a problem due to other factors though, it might be necessary for normal function and so the trade off may be worth the risk.


Aug 24, 2014
Olympia, WA
It seems popular right now because of recent news coverage but trt isnt needed by most men. I was kind of shocked when I started hearing guys I knew talk about it. Now I roll my eyes whenever an overweight beer lover talks about how all there problems are going to be solved by it.


Sep 18, 2014
Las Vegas, NV
This is the WRONG forum to ask about it. You will hear that it will increase PSA, make you bald, make you have heart issues blah blah blah blah. Please do your research with a reputable Doctor who specializes in hormones. ITS ALL BULLSHIT.

In ten years it will be mainstream. Our testosterone levels have been dropping drastically for the past 40 years. Think back to when you were young, how many strong grandpas did you know who where 70+ years old and still out working. I don't have the time to type up a big post but I will say this. Get off the forum, contact actual experts, get real information. Do not talk with your regular doctor. They all say the same stupid regurgitated things. Testosterone Replacement Therapy is a LIFE SAVER. TRUST ME. More and more research is proving it every single day.


Jan 7, 2013
Medford, OR
Do your research. I mean real fact based research, not "bro science" or ambulance chaser lawyer "news reports". Just like any drug/therapy there are things to be looked out for. There will always be people who have bad reactions. You will most likely NOT be one of those people. That being said, being your own best advocate for your own Healthcare starts with being knowledgeable about the facts and knowing what you want to see in your treatment.
I wondered if I had low T, turned out I was eceptionally low. A small bi weekly dose now has me up to a good "normal" level. My other labs are also great, my platelet count is good (some guys react to test by having their platelet count go sky high, therefore thickening the blood, causing.... you guessed it, stroke and heart attack!), my PSA is very low(0.54 out of up to 4.0, for "normal" ranges..) and my mood and physical feeling of well being is much improved. Doesn't work this way for everyone, but if you go in with a full boat of knowledge and take the right path, it may work out.
You wouldn't go in a 2 week wilderness hunt without planning, why go into your Healthcare without knowledge and a plan?


Feb 26, 2013
Unfortunately spent some time in the radiation waiting room at the cancer clinic and learned the first thing they usually do for men with prostate cancer is shut off the testosterone supply.
Unless you are young and suffer from low t for some reason I would think twice. It's the same with women and estrogen not a good idea to supplement after menopause (helps hot flashes but increases cancer rates) but it is essential until your about 50...this is straight from a hormone docs mouth.

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Jun 6, 2014
North-Central Illinois
I recently was referred to an endocrinologist for low T, my regular doctor advised against supplementation (I have heart disease and an enlarged prostate), but he wasn't sure, so he gave me the referral. The endocrinologist (gland doctor) agreed that supplementation was not a good idea, but supplementation is not the only therapy available, as many things can affect your testosterone levels (such as the interplay between various glands; sleep apnea, and other things). He has ordered a series of tests, which I've yet to undergo, but am hopeful. Supplementation is probably the go-to treatment from the so-called men's health clinics because its easier than other treatments and diagnoses.


Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
Everything is a tradeoff. I have never taken the shots or anything else, however........my first question would be "How long does it take for the extra testosterone to create cancer". If the T really does make you feel like superman, it very well could be worth the tradeoff of cancer for 20-25 "superman years" instead of 30 years of "being old".

Just like food.......I have longevity genes in my family. So is it worth eating right and healthy for a lifetime to reach 100? Or is it better to eat whatever the heck I want, whenever the heck I want, and as much as I want......and live to 80? In the food and even adrenaline junky categories, I've chosen the latter. But as my sister always tells me......"Oh, you'll still live to 100, you'll just feel every minute of it now from 80 to 100".
Nov 20, 2016
My urologist said the following when I asked him about testosterone therapy. According to the the businesses selling Testosterone Therapy nearly everyone has "low T". In his experience men that actually have a diagnosis of low T are so lethargic they can barely shower, groom themselves or even drag themselves into the office. Further he warned that if you introduce testosterone into your body you won't have more because your body recognizes there is enough and quits making it on its own. At that point if you stop taking the replacement therapy you will really feel like crap because at that point you will actually have low t until your body starts making it again.

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Mar 2, 2020
I have never heard about Testosterone Replacement Therapy, before. What it consists of? I am a bodybuilder, so this topic is quite interesting to me. I have started to work out in the gym and gain muscles a couple of years ago and I made it very quickly. In a year I gained about 55 lbs. Firstly the process was without pharmacology only proteins in food and powder. But now I have recently started to take testosterone supplements so that the process of gaining the muscles would be easier. Now I am shredding and need a fat burner. This article https://www.docarzt.com/instant-knockout-review/ helped me choose the correct supplements to burn the fat I gained during weight gain.
Thanks for the recommendation, man.
Aug 7, 2017
Disclaimer - every individual is different and while forums are valuable to get info on other's experiences, the meat is in the Doctor's office. Go there to determine the best course of action for your unique physiology and situation.

Prostate cancer survivor (now 52yo). Had to have urethroplasty the following year. After cancer treatment in 2014, (brachytheraphy and radiation) my T levels plummeted into very low 200's on the best test results. After 5 years of being cancer-free and PSA levels well below 0.2, I worked with my physician to discuss T supplementation and currently am on low dose shots every 2 weeks. My physician will not entertain gels or patches for my particular circumstance.

I did hundreds of hours of research in medical publications prior to consultation with medical professionals. Oncologist was dead set against it. I wanted more information specific to what I was going through after the cancer treatment. After being declared cancer-free in early 2020, regular physician was contacted and promptly told me she was going to ignore my research and said she would conduct her own. 3 months later she called me after she had researched and consulted with numerous oncologists and endocrinologists. Her research mirrored mine.

For my particular case, I was willing to accept an increase of 2% risk of cancer reappearance. I can attest after 10 weeks of treatment the issues which drove me to seek treatment are mostly resolved. None are resolved to 100% pre-cancer, but all are in the 80%+ range.

We monitor blood chemistry every 6 weeks to make sure other parameters aren't going wonky along the way.

My situation is unique as to the cause of my low levels. No "natural" wizards or spells will change what was cooked in cancer treatment.

Consult your Doc and get multiple opinions and educate yourself in the process. Not sure about non-cancer supplementation, but Europe is light years ahead of the US in terms of data and studies post- prostate cancer treatment. Find medical journals and peer reviewed studies and dig into the bibliographies to see what data is being quoted and used.

The questions you ask determine the answers you will get. Educate yourself first but be open to challenge and learning yourself also. Don't push the EASY button and fail to educate yourself relying solely on one Doc or opinion.
Jul 5, 2020
If you are over 35, trt is a great option at keep test levels at normal level, however I've noticed doctors don't really know much about the half life of this or how much a dose you need. As you get older your test levels decline, fact. If you want to stay in the game of being active and having good recovery with mininal side effects as well as keeping your sex drive it's a no brainer. People will tell you not to but they don't know shit. I've helped my mom's fiance correct his trt dose and he feels 10x better and isn't getting hormone swings. Test is a natural hormone in the body and at low dosages as such with trt, you only benefit especially if you are getting older. cheers