this guy looks like trouble

Doesn't just look like trouble , it is trouble. I'm hearing on the eating coyote thread that they are delicious so after it kills all the deer you can kill the cat and make some home made Chinese food that will be just like your favorite Chinese restaurant ;)
I'm a law abiding guy and ill talk a big game, but, I swear if I had my rifle with me and I had my suppressor this pic would not exist as the cat would be sleeping permanently..... big cats give me the freaking heebee geebees.... Ok I probably wouldn't just shoot it. but I dont like them. I dont hunt them either as karma could potentially sucketh badly. on the unit I hunt the south end is littered in cat scat and tracks. I rarely see any deer there anymore. the cat hunters down there say they could issue a hundred tags and not hurt the population. They claim they have had a a big tom killing bucks for sport. Not Cool

Save a deer! Kill a cat!

Cool pic though!!