Unit and outfitter research question


Feb 10, 2015
Hey guys my dad brother and I are looking to go on our first elk hunt in WY in 2 years. I’ve been searching and researching like crazy on outfitters but I’m thinking my best bet will be find a unit we like than maybe pick the outfitter from that. We will have 7 points and want to try to get the most out of our points. My question is which of the research sites do you guys think will help us the most in finding the unit we want and outfitter we want as in go hunt, epic outdoors, Tag hub etc. Thank you guys for any help


Nov 28, 2015
You don't say what types of tag you're looking for - archery, first rifle, second rifle? Knowing that makes it fairly easy to see what your options are as far as units. I wouldn't overlook those that take fewer points than what you have. Some areas, especially wilderness areas, might not take as many points because of the requirement to use an outfitter. Many guys don't want to do that but for you it could be an advantage and might get you into a better area with fewer points.
All of that information can be gleaned from the WY Game & Fish website. Or use one of the services that have already done the analysis for you. I've found TopRut gives me an easy to digest summary at minimal cost.


Feb 10, 2015
You don't say what types of tag you're looking for - archery, first rifle, second rifle? Knowing that makes it fairly easy to see what your options are as far as units. I wouldn't overlook those that take fewer points than what you have. Some areas, especially wilderness areas, might not take as many points because of the requirement to use an outfitter. Many guys don't want to do that but for you it could be an advantage and might get you into a better area with fewer points.
All of that information can be gleaned from the WY Game & Fish website. Or use one of the services that have already done the analysis for you. I've found TopRut gives me an easy to digest summary at minimal cost.
We were dead set on either first rifle or late season rifle. But decided here recently if we can still have a decent opportunity with archery than we will go archery. Thanks for the response


Apr 17, 2020
No way to know what points will be required in 2 years. No app on the planet can predict what Wyoming will do regarding tag allocations nor can it predict how many hunters will be applying for what unit. Those apps are truly snake oil in my opinion.

The only tag you can really plan to be able to draw with 7 points in 2 years is a general tag. There are a pile of good guided hunts in general areas. What you need to decide is what style of hunt you prefer. Ranch hunt? Horseback hunt? Spot and stalk from a pickup? Long hikes in and out? Ranch hunts in general areas will be your best opportunity at trophy class animals imo. Horseback hunts are a cool experience.
Feb 17, 2013
Wyoming doesn’t have “first rifle” and “second rifle”. Season dates vary by hunting area (unit) but the season structure is nothing like Colorado. In many areas you can hunt all of archery and rifle with the same license. I know a top of the line outfitter but he’s booked years out in rifle season. I can get you archery dates though if you’re interested.


Nov 28, 2015
Type 1 or type 2 rifle tags are valid during different dates. In many units you can archery hunt on them during September and then go back during the rifle season if you aren't successful. Type 9 are archery only, but not available in many units.

I do agree the apps can't predict for certain what you can draw, especially more than a year in advance. But they can give you a good idea on which you can eliminate. If a unit took X points to draw last year figure at a minimum X plus 1 this year. Sometimes more. Point creep is getting worse every year. More and more people cashing them out as fast as they can just to be done with it.