Wildlife Artwork

I like this one.

I paint some (all wildlife subjects - just for myself) and enjoy wildlife art. A few I would add that haven't been mentioned:
Luke Frazier
Luke Frazier is probably my favorite contemporary wildlife artist. A client has a pile of his originals, and I've had the pleasure of getting to view them closely.
Got the print in the link at a Wild Turkey Foundation banquet in Florida. No one knew of Terry Redlin's work so got it for pretty much pennies in the blind auction. Most of his work is rural/farm settings with upland birds and waterfowl as the focus. Very popular in South Dakota and surrounding states. Own several other portraits and they always are good for conversation starters when people are over and have never seen his work.

Love art, love the outdoors, but like almost no outdoor art with animals, the west, etc. One exception is good bronze work - but animals only.

For painting I like stuff like this:
